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January 2008
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Articles by Subject

Featured Sections
Biz Buzz
1/10/08: OCCA board gives Heikes 2nd term
1/17/08: Large-restaurant site vacant again
1/24/08: Family affair on Garden of the Gods
1/31/08: 'Elk' on Westside promotes tourism
2/7/08: New flavor for opera; tattoo convention
2/28/08: Relocation, 2 new businesses
3/20/08: Bancroft Park set for Easter Egg Hunt
3/27/08: New car wash on Eighth Street
4/10/08: 'Spring Dog Wash' raises money for All Breed
4/17/08: 1st building starts at Grandview Commons
4/24/08: Easy Park cards available in Old Town
5/8/08: Car wash fundraisers for Iraqi kids, cancer
5/22/08: 'Dump & Donate Day' May 31 at Coronado
6/5/08: Author signs books for One Nation charity
6/12/08: 5 callers at Carriage Stop dance
6/26/08: Art Walk on 2nd Friday in July
7/10/08: New children's book on rock-climbing uses Garden of the Gods
7/17/08: Two new businesses in Old Town
7/31/08: Fundraisers scheduled on Westside
8/7/08: Car washes help Humane Society
8/7/08: OCCA seeking new marketing director
8/21/08: Two new businesses in Old Town
9/18/08: Whizzer shop closing in Old Town
9/25/08: New chiropractic building opens in HP
10/9/08: Local cookie store relocates to Uintah
10/16/08: OCCA organizes expo
10/23/08: 'Henri's' dropped from Jorge's name
10/30/08: 3 openings during Nov. 7 Art Walk
11/6/08: Westside artists not slowing down
11/20/08: Assistant inkeeper wins state award
11/26/08: One last time for 3G's carriage service
12/11/08: Charity at several Westside businesses
12/18/08: Space Foundation hits 25th year

Cobweb Corners
1/10/08: A hidden object in plain sight
1/17/08: Colorado City quiz time
1/24/08: More burgers!
1/31/08: No year-round tourism in old days
2/7/08: Another Sergeant O'Keefe story
2/14/08: Don't be too quick to tear it down
2/21/08: History: Answers lead to questions
2/28/08: Where the Garden once extended
3/6/08: Funny money
3/13/08: Colorado Avenue: West from 29th
3/20/08: The little groceries... and Safeway
3/27/08: Those odd-shaped buildings
4/3/08: Small-town cafes
4/10/08: License plates and trains
4/17/08: When coal was the main fuel
4/24/08: Easier to dodge horses than cars
5/1/08: Big fire, major logging... where?
5/8/08: A drive along the avenue of yore
5/15/08: The old avenue: From 29th to Manitou
5/22/08: The Golden Cycle fire
5/29/08: Thanks for readers' ideas
6/5/08: Bristol, Pike and the two Roswells
6/12/08: Relocated house had railroad family
6/26/08: Culture shock if you went back to 1900
7/3/08: Singing in the Bristol choir
7/10/08: When the D&RG was built to Manitou
7/17/08: Things that were once common
7/24/08: Tracking down the Westside's tracks
7/31/08: Our neighbor to the west
8/7/08: Remembering Paul Idleman
8/14/08: North vs. South
8/21/08: High ball, Johnny!
8/28/08: The birth of the Midland
9/4/08: Those two railroads
9/11/08: The telephone office
9/18/08: The arrival of the automobiles
9/25/08: The gold mills in Colorado City
10/2/08: The end of the Midland
10/9/08: The unusual railroad project
10/16/08: My dad's first car
10/23/08: How this region became part of America
10/30/08: Another big part of Colorado
11/6/08: A question about trees
11/13/08: The tracks to the mill
11/20/08: A forgotten explorer
11/26/08: No 'X' to mark the spot
12/4/08: Colorado City's first gold mill
12/11/08: The early gold mills
12/18/08: The mid-20th century growth
12/29/08: Back yards and alleys

The County Connection
7/17/08: The County Connection: Reasons to go to the County Fair

Editor's Desk
1/10/08: That supporting-our-advertisers thing
1/17/08: War long ago, highway far ahead
1/24/08: Phantom rule book snags Holmes
1/31/08: OWN soldiering forward
2/7/08: It's so easy, being green
2/14/08: Roundhouse redevelopment intriguing
2/21/08: Was Indian Hills 'road' kill?
2/28/08: Only questions blowing in this wind
3/6/08: Time for a history lesson?
3/13/08: A visit to Sno-White
3/20/08: Schism, journalism... they rhyme!
3/27/08: The storm before the calming
4/3/08: A past that's worth recalling
4/10/08: Sprinkling some views on the news
4/17/08: The logic in losing a school
4/24/08: 'Planet in peril'? A reply to a senator
5/1/08: Manitou comes to the Westside
5/8/08: A comprehensive comprehension
5/15/08: Busy week in Westside news
5/22/08: Telescope fuzzy on far-off future
5/29/08: County leaders let us down
6/5/08: Looking forward to the Showcase
6/12/08: The Westside gets a moving story
6/26/08: Privacy vs. public right to know
7/3/08: Dream Vision 2020: Insight-impaired?
7/10/08: Patriotism over the Fourth
7/17/08: Midland returning to 'normal'
7/24/08: Another sag in the auditorium saga
7/31/08: Pleasant Valley passes, Howbert scores!
8/7/08: Distressed about calming
8/14/08: Thoughts on the Garman's closing
8/21/08: Another chance on Highway 24
8/28/08: Gold-medal intentions
9/4/08: Will we see the light?
9/11/08: Let's 'sharrow' the costs, too
9/18/08: Desperately seeking scarecrows
9/25/08: Sentinel Ridge: Worrisome precedents
10/2/08: Auditorium opening: Sweet music
10/9/08: At least we still have the parade
10/16/08: Yes on good, no on bad
10/23/08: Roundhouse project no train wreck
10/30/08: Calling Wonderland
11/6/08: Not hot, but still cool
11/13/08: Scrapping and speeding
11/20/08: The White Acres stand-off
11/26/08: 'They' need to do more
12/4/08: Recognizing OWN
12/11/08: Not such a bad neighborhood
12/18/08: Good news from our schools
12/29/08: The real reason for making five years

Guest Columns
9/4/08: Why the city should license cats by the Board of Directors and Staff of the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
10/2/08: Vote yes on 1A by Sallie Clark, County Commissioner
11/13/08: No to electronic billboards by Larry Barrett

Heads Up!
3/6/08: Heads up!
4/3/08: Heads up!
5/15/08: El Paso County not planning Bear Creek Park sale ... yet
10/9/08: Heads up! Old Town walk buttons made to be like that

In their own words
4/3/08: Fred Bishop looking forward to family's 130th reunion

1/10/08: Call to preserve Bock bomb shelter from Don Ellis
1/10/08: Salute to city workers' efforts in blaze from Bradley Excavating, Inc.
2/7/08: Letters: Operation Christmas Child success from Andrea Uhl
2/21/08: Energy: Utilities must strike balance from D. Wendal Attig
2/28/08: Renewables should be 'premium brand' from Dick Standaert
3/27/08: Touting 'new journalism' online from Dave Hughes
4/17/08: Appreciates Westside news coverage from Ruth Teason
5/22/08: It should be the 34th annual T-Days from Mike Medvar
5/22/08: Thank you from Westside CARES from Stephen Brown
7/24/08: Interchange needed at Ridge & Hwy from Peter Dunn
8/14/08: Angled intersection needs changing from Audrey Ward
9/18/08: Sharrow: Bike tax fulfills $ needs from Marielle Oetjen
9/18/08: Sharrow: Make space, share cost from J. A. Marsh
9/25/08: Appreciation for 50th-year article from Helen Brockman
9/25/08: Focus on Old Colorado City progress from Sharon Wolff
10/9/08: Agrees with Clark in favor of 1A from Wynn Miller
11/6/08: Glad about Simpich from Georgeanna Tapper
11/13/08: Concern about 7th Street extension from Peter Dunn

Meet a Westside Pioneer
3/13/08: Mike 'Spanky' Rogers
5/22/08: Ted Foltz
6/12/08: Ron & Jerry Decker
6/26/08: David Faires
8/28/08: Ruth Winter-Wolfe
10/2/08: John 'Skip' Sherbak

Meet a Westsider
1/31/08: Michele Billie
2/14/08: Jack Ekstrom
3/6/08: Urban Turzi
3/20/08: Lola 'Skipper' Byram
3/27/08: Sean Chambers
4/10/08: Becky Hume
4/17/08: Sandra Felt
5/8/08: Charles Irwin
5/15/08: Bill Morgan
5/29/08: Deborah Mathis
6/5/08: Hilary Sension-Gates
7/3/08: Bob Neilson
7/10/08: Jane Ackerman
7/17/08: Cynthia McGrath
7/31/08: Terry Brunette
8/7/08: Bev Brown
8/14/08: Libby Weinstein
9/11/08: Andi Eastburn
9/18/08: Lorrie Werner
10/9/08: Bobbie Higley
10/16/08: David Rasmussen
11/6/08: Mary Congiusti
11/26/08: Cristin Houchin-Byrne
12/18/08: Stephanie Edwards

4/10/08: Earth Day work opportunities
11/13/08: Silver Key seeks donations, delivery help
11/26/08: 'Candlelight' back at Nature Center

Police Blotter
8/28/08: Police Blotter: Arrests in 30th & Bijou stabbing

Somewhere, on the Westside...
9/4/08: Somewhere, not so far from here...

Westside Schools
1/17/08: Parent-info talks start at Bristol
2/14/08: Public invited to use West recycle bins
2/21/08: Coronado plans sixth Senior Citizens Ball
3/6/08: West fundraiser for CHAMPS dog
3/20/08: GoG Visitor Center art show includes Howbert
3/27/08: 7 place in library writing contest
4/3/08: Superintendents help celebrate reading
4/10/08: 300 grade-school singers at Holmes
4/17/08: Combined feeder bands at West
5/1/08: Tale of the tape: Bristol cancer fundraiser
5/8/08: CHS auditorium scheduled Aug. 4
5/15/08: Shuttle returns with Howbert signatures
5/22/08: Howbert, Pike lead 3rd grade CSAPs
6/5/08: Band or orchestra choices for Bristol's initial Suzuki students
8/7/08: Westside Schools: Summer school blasts off
8/7/08: Coronado students win music, sports events
10/9/08: CHS' Pay It Forward begins 2nd year
10/16/08: Washington planning garden, greenhouse
11/6/08: Church volunteers give hand to Washington

What do you do?
1/10/08: Joanne Karlson
1/17/08: Eva Garretson
1/24/08: Carmen Vazquez-Guy
2/7/08: Alain Le Lait
2/21/08: Troy Schwarzenberger
2/28/08: Andy Morris
4/3/08: Robert Koenig Jr.
4/24/08: Marc Lowenstein
5/1/08: David Porter
7/24/08: Trish Doyle-Stahl
8/21/08: Charles Lamoreaux
9/4/08: Nina Gigliotti
9/25/08: Jeanne McElderry
10/23/08: Dr. Merrilee Laas
10/30/08: Iakovos 'Jake' Topakas
11/13/08: Officer M. J. Lujan
11/20/08: John M. Karle
12/4/08: Dave Britton
12/11/08: Deborah Wallbaum
12/29/08: Richard Carpenter

Other Articles
1/31/08: Garman full of ideas after years in Europe
5/29/08: Ellen O'Brien at Cucuru
10/9/08: Close to home
10/9/08: Nature takes over rest of artist's wall
11/6/08: 6th annual Studio Tour Nov. 15-16
12/29/08: Arati: Free art demonstrations

Bear Creek Nature Center
1/31/08: Volunteer training course at Nature Center
2/7/08: Good chemistry at the Nature Center
2/7/08: Nature Center volunteer training
9/4/08: Nature Center offers training for volunteers
10/2/08: Bear Creek Nature Center: Reduced hours seen in '09
10/16/08: Center sets art show, volunteer orientation
12/29/08: Nature Center in survival mode: Funding cuts reduce hours, leave one full-time staffer

Beidleman Nature Center/Sondermann Park
2/21/08: Conservation Corps gets started at Catamount

10/2/08: Westside-raised author returns for book-signing

Boy Scouts
2/7/08: Remodeling underway for new Boy Scout building
5/15/08: Scout Pack 24 seeks more members
7/31/08: Scout council moves into new facility
9/18/08: Grand opening for Scouting Activity Center

Buildings, New Construction, and Real Estate
1/10/08: Large homebuilding project proposed at Fillmore and Mesa
1/10/08: Texas-created Rudy's restaurant, 4 new storage buildings proposed southeast of 31st and Hwy 24
1/24/08: City asks for 'substantial revisions' in Uintah Bluffs development plan
2/7/08: Opening nears for 3rd office building off Centennial Boulevard, north of Fillmore
2/21/08: Money, road problems in Indian Hills
2/21/08: Neighbors get 2nd chance on Uintah Bluffs
2/21/08: Proposal for offices and warehouses near Crown Hill
3/6/08: Uintah Bluffs consultant set for March 13 OWN meeting
3/20/08: Parallel walls along alley sign of frustrations in West Kiowa project
4/10/08: Commercial center proposed on former Palmer House site
4/10/08: Future road plans complicate traffic planning for Palmer House project
4/10/08: Work to start on new 'Cimarron Plaza' shopping center at 8th St. and Hwy 24
4/17/08: Final Mirrillion phase across the street from waterlogged church
4/17/08: Relocated Land Trust houses nearly done
4/28/08: City Planning Commission to consider variance for house on hill's garage
5/15/08: House at 21st & Colorado to be relocated
5/15/08: Land Trust to show St. Vrain houses
6/5/08: Grading near park prelim to project
6/5/08: Hennings, Slinkard approved by Planning Com
6/5/08: Loft project planned for Simpiches' 2nd floor
6/12/08: Old house relocates from 21st and Colorado
7/3/08: Facade work to begin at Radio Shack center
7/24/08: 'All-inclusive' weddings seen on neglected hilltop
7/24/08: Thinking small: Westside couple plans custom house on 1,600 SF lot
7/31/08: Mountain Mama store submits plans for new building on 19th
7/31/08: Owner of 'Incident' house at 17th and Pikes Peak to build Victorian next door
8/7/08: Neighborhood meeting set for Pinery proposal on Bijou hill
8/7/08: Uintah Bluffs gets new rejection from City Planning
8/14/08: Large development off Fillmore gaining favor from city staff
8/14/08: Westside has 14 condemned buildings at present
8/21/08: Pinery reps meet with neighborhood
8/28/08: KRCC 'earthship' to be built at Uintah and Mesa; Facility proposed on 1½ acres would be off utility grid
8/28/08: Higher density proposed in new Cathedral Ridge plan
9/4/08: Proposed Sentinel Ridge project on Sept. 18 Planning Commission agenda
9/11/08: New storage units being built off Ore Mill Road
9/11/08: Planner to recommend Sentinel Ridge approval
9/25/08: Planning body OKs Sentinel Ridge project near Holmes; neighbors to appeal to council
10/9/08: Lower density in the works for 'Broadview Terraces'
10/9/08: Sentinel Ridge appeal in December
10/16/08: Palmer House redev goes to planning body
11/6/08: Plans submitted for 8th/Cimarron center
11/13/08: Drive-through proposed off Moreno & 8th
11/26/08: Palmer House redev set to go
12/4/08: Access to be key issue at meeting on 8th/Hwy 24 shopping center expansion
12/4/08: Roundhouse redevelopment starts; first tenant signs on
12/4/08: Sentinel Ridge appeal before City Council Dec. 9
12/11/08: Sentinel Ridge appeal postponed to January
12/18/08: Neighborhood not happy with commercial expansion plan at 8th and Hwy 24: Alternatives to 7th Street access requested

Centennial Extension
3/13/08: Mesa Springs hears RTA high points, Centennial lowdown

3/13/08: Benefit concert for badly injured musician
5/1/08: Westside CARES offers free shots, holds food drive
5/8/08: Lilies for Lily: Fundraising for young accident victim
5/8/08: Red Cross offers 'Summer of Summits'
5/15/08: $17,000 value in CARES food drive
5/15/08: Big Band Sunday aids Care & Share
5/22/08: Book-signing benefits One Nation charity
6/5/08: Church begins food disbursement effort
6/12/08: Applications sought for Osborne fund allotments
6/26/08: Care & Share to benefit from show
7/17/08: Big Band Sunday raises money for Care & Share
7/24/08: Dog wash July 25 aids animal rescue efforts
7/24/08: Frequently asked questions on meter plan
7/24/08: Meter aid: Heimlicher plan would put money for the homeless in sober hands
10/16/08: Thievery leads to giving: Preschool plans 1st 'pumpkin festival'
11/6/08: GoG Rotary to present Osborne grants
11/6/08: Operation Christmas Child filling shoeboxes
11/13/08: Rotary honors Osborne recipients
12/4/08: DHS' annual Feed the Children Dec. 13

Christmas Time
12/29/08: Not too late to see the lights

7/3/08: New pastor at Gateway Presbyterian Church
7/17/08: 2nd Byzantium-style building planned by church
7/31/08: Pastor's 50 years feted
8/28/08: Burglars, vandals distract from church's mission
9/11/08: Gateway Presbyterian celebrates 50th year of charter
11/20/08: Church fixes wall above shopping center
12/29/08: First meeting for new church on Westside
12/29/08: Pikes United Methodist dedicates peace pole, prayer garden

Cimarron Bridge/Interchange
2/28/08: Cimarron bridge grows
2/28/08: Council: Move up Cimarron interchange
3/13/08: New interchange at Cimarron/I-25 to get funding in 6 years: Regional board vote raises project's priority
5/8/08: Cimarron bridge to open with 3 lanes
5/15/08: Another week for Cimarron bridge
8/21/08: Cimarron bridge's full opening seen Sept. 8
9/11/08: 4 lanes on Cimarron bridge - 1st time in 2 years

City Parks
5/22/08: Old Tyme Dances at Bancroft
6/5/08: 'Genny Garden' returns for a fifth year at Thorndale
7/3/08: Heads up!
7/24/08: Bancroft fair back July 26
7/24/08: Thorndale site of annual Colorado Day picnic
12/18/08: Bancroft monument receives concept OK

County Parks
3/20/08: Free organic class by Garden Association
3/27/08: Bear Creek Park Master Plan open house April 1
3/27/08: Dog Park cleanup scheduled April 5
4/3/08: Fundraising to bring back goats
4/3/08: Updated Bear Creek master plan goes to Parks Board: County will need to scrounge for project funds
5/29/08: First Bear Creek mountain bike trail races scheduled June 4
5/29/08: Nature Center fate hangs on vote: County also mulling Bear Creek Park sale
6/5/08: Half-year reprieve for nature centers: Staff stays, thanks to docents' $85,000
6/12/08: Model A display at Bear Creek
7/3/08: Free band, ice cream at Bear Creek Park
7/10/08: Cool sounds with ice cream
7/10/08: Thinning planned to reduce Bear Creek Park fire risk
9/11/08: Cyclocross races return to Bear Creek Park
9/18/08: 'Adventure racers' enliven Bear Creek Park
10/16/08: No weed-eating goats in '08: Garden Association fundraising for '09 includes cornstalks this weekend
10/23/08: 2nd weekend for garden group's cornhusk fundraiser
11/13/08: Cyclocross races at Bear Creek Nov. 22
11/26/08: Pacific Pride in OCC

Dave Hughes
5/15/08: Hughes fetes 80th at Cucuru

5/1/08: Popular Manitou theater makes move to Westside: Opportunities to manage own space override 'homesickness' for MAT's Jackson, De Pree
6/5/08: German Fest Dinner Dance at Int'l Club
6/26/08: Cowboy style at new N. Chestnut nightclub: Space available after Howard's BBQ relocation
6/26/08: Five calling, just not at the same time
9/25/08: MAT readies for first year on Westside

4/24/08: Westside Earth Day popularity grows
6/12/08: Starlight Spectacular expects at least 1,200
7/31/08: History in the air on Westside Aug. 9-10
8/7/08: Cemetery Crawl characters: Hughes becomes Schmidt, Shepard takes on Bott
8/7/08: Founders Day Schedule
8/14/08: At Cemetery Crawl: Hughes happy to be wrong
8/14/08: Having a reel good time
10/23/08: Pumpkins disappear the right way at Washburn: About 500 given to attendees at 1st-ever festival
11/13/08: 14th Holiday B&B tour to benefit OCCHS again
12/4/08: New history exhibits ready in time for B&B tour
12/29/08: Hot off the presses! Westside Pioneer party

Farmer's Market
5/29/08: Farmers Market opens June 7
7/24/08: Farmers' Market a magnet for shoppers

Garden of the Gods
1/17/08: Garden Visitor Center lecture series begins at Garden
2/7/08: Bighorn Sheep Day at Garden Visitor Center
2/7/08: Rock-climbing talk in GoG Lecture Series
2/21/08: Bighorn Sheep Day keeps drawing more attendees
3/6/08: RMFI plans more work on Garden erosion
3/6/08: Training for volunteer crew leaders
4/24/08: Free toddler programs at GoG Visitor Center
5/22/08: Paleontologist pledges revelation on century-old GoG dinosaur discovery
5/29/08: Garden of Gods dinosaur now seen as one of a kind
6/5/08: Riding Club to work on stables-used trail
6/26/08: GoG Visitor Center movie still 'Rocks'
7/3/08: Easing climb for climbers
7/10/08: Cars to be on display at GoG center
7/17/08: 8th season for Magpie Players at Garden
7/24/08: City forester pleased with new growth in cleared areas
8/28/08: Changing programs at GoG Visitor Center
9/11/08: Nearly 8,000 at Race for Cure through Garden
10/2/08: GoG Foundation has given city $1.5 million

Gold Hill Mesa
2/28/08: After Feb. 24 dust storm: Water truck back at Gold Hill Mesa
5/22/08: Construction, home sales continue at Gold Hill Mesa - just not as fast as expected
5/22/08: Dust under control, Gold Hill claims
7/31/08: Joint effort proposed for Gold Hill-area creek restoration

10/23/08: Baker retires after 17 years guiding Goodwill expansion: Board member Raintree to start in December
11/20/08: Goodwill gets into the bus business

1/10/08: City staff heads to be at community meeting
1/24/08: Staffers, citizens have amiable dialogue at first 'Action Team' public meeting
1/24/08: Stormwater Enterprise billing boo-boos hit home for councilman
2/28/08: New DHS number
3/6/08: Merrifield, Morse bring in health-care reform leaders
3/13/08: Nominations open for Mayor's 100 Teens
4/3/08: Renovation to expand DHS lobby space
4/10/08: County child-abuse symposium
5/15/08: City dept. heads at Gold Hill May 15
7/10/08: City Planning Commission changes meeting dates
7/10/08: Draft of special-events law goes before public
8/21/08: County taking action on oversized billboard
9/4/08: Gardner receives award for disabilities legislation
10/23/08: Westside-related issues could come up at hearing/'e-townhall' on city budget Oct. 30
10/30/08: City suspends sweeps of homeless camps following legal threat
11/6/08: E-Town: Technical difficulties
11/6/08: Homeless update: Sweeps accuser holds off on suit for now; says city being cooperative, wasn't 'targeting'
11/20/08: Welcome to the Westside?

Groups and Clubs
5/15/08: Agency on Aging hosts open house
5/29/08: Arensdale students sought by Shriners
5/29/08: Ford Model A Club to display cars June 7
6/12/08: 60 years for Shrine at former Arensdale School
7/3/08: Former Arensdale students entertain Shriners at 60th anniversary of local club
9/18/08: Victorian Society ball Sept. 27 at Shrine Club
9/25/08: Clarion site of state confab for Overeaters
12/18/08: Vacant lot to become a garden
12/29/08: New Horizons Band sets meeting for new, old musicians

Head Start
5/1/08: CPCD/Head Start celebrates 20th year
5/1/08: Head Start driver's 1st year was 1978
6/5/08: CPCD enrolling children for fall programs
11/13/08: CPCD offers needy families for 'adoption'

Highway 24
1/17/08: You want it when? Westside Highway 24 completion not expected for up to 27 years in latest regional project schedule
2/14/08: Local consensus for future interchange (not overpass) at Ridge Road & Hwy 24
3/13/08: CDOT reveals year-2035 traffic numbers for Hwy 24 - increases seen from 2030
4/3/08: Hwy 24 plans expected to go before public in July
4/3/08: State needs fewer properties than it thought for Highway 24
4/24/08: Follow-up: Hwy 24: No monthly meetings set
5/8/08: Highway 24: ELT/TLT is on for May 16
5/22/08: Hwy 24 west of 31st: Redev option kept open
7/3/08: Ramps point of contention in Ridge Road/Hwy 24 plans
7/10/08: For now, no Hwy 24 work seen west of Ridge Road
8/14/08: CDOT open house to display Hwy 24 'Recommended Alternative' Aug. 28 at West
8/21/08: On 2nd thought, maybe new bridge should stay: 25th Street span at issue in Hwy 24 project
9/4/08: Blue spruce trees and other notions: CDOT recommends Hwy 24 road plan, begins focus on project aesthetics
9/11/08: Survey of Westsiders reveals skepticism about state planning for Hwy 24 project
9/18/08: Volunteers welcome at hwy cleanup Sept. 20
10/23/08: CDOT plans to hold Hwy 24 committee meeting in November - date still TBA
11/6/08: Nov. 19 for Hwy 24 aesthetics meeting
11/13/08: Tale of two sides: Hwy 24 to swing south at 8th
12/4/08: Committee begins looking at Hwy 24 'aesthetics'

4/10/08: Follow-up: Sno-White
7/24/08: Fast in the past
7/24/08: Past racers convene for annual reunion
11/13/08: 'Posse' focuses on history of West

3/13/08: Westside's Easter service times listed
7/3/08: Fireworks news: Drop-off stations, new Manitou view

Holland Park
4/24/08: Holland Park to clean up Douglas Creek OS
5/1/08: Holland Parkers spiff up open space
5/15/08: Holland Park project will close Douglas Creek Trail
6/5/08: Holland Park sponsors multiple garage sales
7/10/08: Douglas Creek Trail: Utilities finishes below ground, City Parks begins above
7/10/08: Holland Park to hold annual meeting, BBQ
8/21/08: Holland Park to officially get trail back Aug. 29
8/28/08: 'Friend-fest' to support Jackson Park Sept. 6
9/11/08: Holland Park 'mini-fest' puts focus on oft-overlooked Jackson Park; Neighborhood group hopes event will help attract supporters
9/18/08: Sinton Trail open again; no HP calming work date set
10/2/08: 'Emergency repairs' for Douglas Creek's concrete
10/23/08: Follow-up: Almost there, city tells Holland Park
12/18/08: Douglas Creek emergency fixes to start

Humane Society
9/11/08: $4,000 donated to Humane Society

1/24/08: COSMIX all but finished; 2-block link to Midland Trail has to be scrapped
11/13/08: Decision made too fast? Neighborhoods feel CDOT bypassed them in I-25 speed-limit hike
12/11/08: 65 mph speed still planned for I-25, But contrite CDOT may help neighborhoods with sound-control upgrades

1/17/08: Changes in library programs 1/24/08: Time for bubbling over
2/21/08: Fundraising bonus boosts OCC library
2/21/08: Van allows library to deliver to folks in assisted living
4/17/08: Colorado Wrangler at library's family night
4/24/08: Familiar face leaving OCC library
4/24/08: Library hours to increase
5/8/08: Library computer classes put on hold
5/8/08: Rist phasing out as OCC Branch Library manager
6/12/08: Old Town Library offers computer classes again
7/17/08: New manager in place at Old Colorado City Library
8/21/08: Library seeks materials from '30s
9/11/08: Library to have meeting Sept. 22 on literacy, ESL
10/2/08: Talk kicks off OCC library genealogy effort
10/16/08: Bringing history to life
10/23/08: Teens form advisory board at Old Colorado City Library
11/6/08: Genealogy talk: Finding history of your home
11/13/08: Pacific Pride in OCC
11/20/08: Come to the library... for art

Local Businesses
1/10/08: COSMIX: Nothing broken for glass business
1/10/08: 'It isn't what we do': Recent massage parlor bust offends Westside therapy school leaders
1/24/08: Days of Champions long gone: Unsold, former fun park languishes from disuse, vandalism
2/14/08: New shopping center would preserve Midland roundhouse 'character'
2/28/08: Thunder & Buttons changes hands; will keep flying theme
3/13/08: Fire-stricken Johnson Heating relocates east
3/13/08: Sno-White: Still Old Town's keeper of clean
3/20/08: Vacuum store's traditions still alive after 25 years
4/3/08: Greccio selling 'opoly' spaces
4/17/08: Two more C-5P businesses on avenue
4/24/08: Old Town home of new motorbike dealership
5/8/08: Greccio plans annual Yard Sale May 10
5/15/08: Pizza restaurant emerges from part of art gallery
6/5/08: No lake, but auto dealership shapes land for new site near Motor City, Gold Hill PD
6/5/08: Simpich comeback in Old Colorado City: Family's 'Showcase' to revamp building interior for art gallery, doll museum, marionette theater
7/3/08: Secret Garden seeks approval to sell liquor
7/10/08: Four months after fire, Colorado Living Ponds open for business at new address
7/10/08: Where antiques are brought back to life: 'Jug' on avenue since '82
7/17/08: New owners at Desert Sage
8/7/08: Old Town stung by news of Garman's '09 closure plans: Sculptor to fly in for Aug. 11 press conference
8/7/08: Rebuild at last over - Metropolis opens doors
8/7/08: Use variance sought at old church so salon can continue
8/14/08: Garman relishes next 2 years: Recently diagnosed terminal illness led to business closure plan
8/14/08: Manitou business opens store in Old Town
9/25/08: Pizza shop, convenience store set for new center
10/2/08: 'Simpich Showcase': Theater opening seen by December
10/9/08: New restaurant in former fire station
10/9/08: Nice! Old Town store hits 25-year milestone
10/16/08: Memorable dolls
10/16/08: Simpich past, present, future shown
10/16/08: Simpich Showcase delayed until '09
10/23/08: City approves Roundhouse project: Work on new commercial center could start by Dec. 1; Van Briggle to relocate to smaller site
10/23/08: Salon, residence in old church approved
11/26/08: Garman's big weekend: Plans to shut down, sell building haven't changed
11/26/08: Homeless business: Van Briggle Pottery
12/4/08: Surplus City site sold; to become bookstore
12/29/08: Some familiar faces in new Meadow Muffins ownership

1/31/08: Westside chiropractic firm moving to former daycare building in Holland Park
2/7/08: Ready in case of trouble
4/17/08: CEO: 2 years for Health Partners building

Mesa Springs
3/6/08: Clark, Harold to discuss RTA issues at Mesa Springs residents' meeting
3/20/08: Source finally identified in Mesa Springs sod damage
5/1/08: Mesa Springs CDBG meeting
5/8/08: City instructor to respond to Mesa Springs' fire concerns
5/8/08: Mesa Springs zeroing in on final CDBG projects
10/16/08: Mesa Springs association tightening belt

Miscellaneous News
5/8/08: Rotary seeks host families for foreign students
5/15/08: Literacy effort needs volunteers
5/15/08: Pioneer: Wal-Mart ceases being outlet
6/12/08: Westside Pioneer to resume weekly schedule June 26
7/24/08: Mathiesen talks to Pioneers' Association
11/6/08: Teen Court to benefit from N-P fundraiser
11/20/08: Bear looks hungry? Just say no
12/18/08: Next Pioneer issue: Dec. 29
12/29/08: Next Pioneer will be Jan. 8
12/29/08: Westside Stories of the Year: Schools top list - auditorium saga, potential closures, academic honors

1/10/08: Squirrel scare over in Pleasant Valley
2/7/08: Finally, a footbridge fix on 31st
3/6/08: Helenberg's neighbors not thrilled by warehouse idea
6/5/08: The grass is always greener...
6/12/08: 1 Neighborhood Watch group so far in response to big Midland meeting
7/24/08: Hot game
11/20/08: Update on Pleasant Valley
12/18/08: Panorama Estates starts comeback

No Man's Land
1/10/08: 'No Man's Land' cost estimate up to $5.25M: But hoped-for CDOT grant remains on hold
12/11/08: $9.5M upgrade plan for No Man's Land; CDOT grant needed

Norris-Penrose Events Center
3/20/08: Norris-Penrose dressage show features national competitors
4/3/08: Change of headgear
5/22/08: 'Cowgirls and Cocktails' charity event at N-P
6/12/08: Range Ride date change signals Norris-Penrose's 'Western heritage days'
7/3/08: Rodeo royalty: Humiston, Biernat
7/3/08: Rodeo time at Norris-Penrose: Also extra activities abound in Ride for the Brand, Pikes Peak or Bust
7/10/08: Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo thru July 12
7/10/08: Thompson team overcomes tragedy in Ride for Brand
7/17/08: Hangin' on
7/17/08: No 'bust' for annual rodeo - attendance rises again
7/17/08: Veggie meal for cowboys? 'Dinner Impossible' films episode during rodeo
8/7/08: Circus, bands, shows highlight 'Rocky Mountain State Fair' at Norris-Penrose

8/14/08: Westend & 26th scene of double fatality accident
9/11/08: Hundreds mourn loss of popular Westsider Jim Bloom Sr.
11/6/08: In memoriam: Frank Wolking
11/20/08: In memoriam: Longtime Westsider Eugene Lindsey
12/4/08: Wade Lehman, CHS '08, remembered

Old Colorado City
3/13/08: Annual Old Town Easter Egg Hunt Mar. 22
3/27/08: Snowflakes just egged them on
5/1/08: Openings, events for OCC Art Walk
5/15/08: Reading with Anne
5/29/08: Art Walk planned in Old Town June 6
6/5/08: Brass, blues, jazz - variety of live music scheduled at Bancroft Park through August
6/5/08: Knit in Public Day planned at Bancroft
6/26/08: New sparks in Old Town: Merchants take wares to Bancroft June 28
6/26/08: OCCHS' Bancroft fair successful; Tuesday night series starts July 1
7/10/08: Westsiders celebrate 4th... and 5th: Entertainers help fill Old Colorado City's streets on night after Independence Day
8/7/08: Annual Good Times Car Show Aug. 17
8/7/08: Staying above it all
8/14/08: Car Show on avenue in Old Town Aug. 17
8/21/08: Rain threat halves Car Show entries
9/11/08: Scarecrow Days to start Sept. 13: Art, Taste, Pumpkin events slated in Old Town
9/18/08: Plaza to teach scarecrow making
9/18/08: 'Scarecrow' start postponed to Sept. 20
9/25/08: Scarecrow Days gearing for pumpkins
10/2/08: Arati reception timed for Old Town Art Walk Oct. 3
10/2/08: Same day again in Old Town this year: Parade, pumpkins
10/9/08: Old Town Plaza puts on Scarecrow events of its own
10/9/08: Pumpkin mark for Old Town: Sawtelle close to state record
10/23/08: Old Town Halloween not just for Westsiders anymore
11/6/08: 'Biggest by far': Estimated record crowd enjoy OCC Safe Treats
11/20/08: 'Holiday Magic' - new event by Old Town merchants
11/26/08: Garman's big weekend: Parapet collapses day before sculptor's last scheduled signing
11/26/08: Rapid City's wide-open 'Art Alley' to be replicated in Old Town restaurant
11/26/08: Sattler makes rare appearance in season's last Art Walk
12/4/08: 'Magic' leads to Christmas
12/11/08: Art Walk performers
12/18/08: Rare sight: Artist Kirby Sattler meeting public
1/31/08: Impromptu art on the avenue
2/14/08: City's parking-meter card on its way to Old Colorado City
2/14/08: Addition sought for historic Old Town building
4/10/08: 'Easy Park' card, loading kiosk arrive in Old Town
4/17/08: 'Historic Old Colorado City' added to street-name signs on stoplights
4/24/08: Tank car, 2nd ore cart in Old Town
7/3/08: 3G's horse-drawn carriage saga ends in Old Town
9/4/08: Bright idea: Pedestrian light at 24th & Colorado
9/4/08: Old Town leaders choose agency instead of 1 person to guide future marketing efforts
10/9/08: Pedestrian light certain for 24th & Colorado
11/20/08: Push the button... and keep looking both ways: New pedestrian light at 24th and Colorado
12/18/08: City monitoring new 24th & Colorado pedestrian crossing for 'unsafe trends'
   Old Colorado City Associates
6/26/08: New sparks in Old Town: OCCA hopes to attract shoppers after Fourth
   Old Colorado City Security and Maintenance District
12/11/08: 3rd term OK'd for Maintenance District board members

Old Colorado City Historical Society
1/31/08: Tuskegee Airmen talk at center
2/7/08: 'Railroads, Mills and Quarries': McFarland to speak on early Colorado City industries
2/21/08: Industry: The dirty little secret of early Old Town
2/28/08: Hat-making workshop at OCC History Center
3/6/08: 3 generations of history in OCCHS talk
3/20/08: Crawford outlines family rail history in center talk
3/20/08: Tickets on sale for History Center annual event
4/3/08: Happy hatters
4/3/08: Token talk at OCC History Center April 11
5/8/08: 'Working Women' topic of history presentation
5/29/08: Center hosts second hat-making workshop
6/5/08: OCC History Center gets its colors back
6/12/08: OCCHS 'Art & Crafts' in Bancroft June 21
7/3/08: 'Social, patriotic and old-fashioned': New start for annual Tuesdays in July series
7/17/08: Santa Fe Trail talk at OCC History Center
7/24/08: AdAmAn program at History Center July 29
9/4/08: Houdek to discuss historic local trails Sept. 9
9/4/08: OCCHS hosts speakers Sept. 12 and 13
9/11/08: State Historical CEO at OCCHS Annual Dinner
10/9/08: Sandstone talk at History Center
11/6/08: Speakers scheduled at OCC History Center Nov. 11 and 14
11/20/08: Historical Society hatching plans for Colorado City's 150th; Informational monument planned next to cabin
12/4/08: Feitz book-signing at History Center Dec. 13
12/18/08: 155 tickets, $1,629 earned from B&B Tour
12/29/08: Meet 'founding fathers' Jan. 9

OWN (The Organization of Westside Neighbors)
1/31/08: Clark stays on as OWN head; low election turnout
1/31/08: State historical review criticizes consultant: OWN perseveres on overlay, although Dave Hughes, who lined up grant (and consultant) resigns
3/6/08: Historic overlay consultant given notice
3/20/08: At OWN meeting: Code Enforcement officer says she enjoys working with Westsiders
3/20/08: Scanlon to discuss overlay ideas with OWN
4/3/08: OWN members willing to work with city on overlay guidelines... but want details on what's expected
4/24/08: OWN looking at 'central coalition' idea
5/1/08: City, county, RTA updates slated for OWN night
5/8/08: OWN fills vacancy on board; also names Terry Brunette new treasurer
6/5/08: OWN, city working on design guidelines tasks; summer consultant hiring seen
7/17/08: BBQ is back for OWN/ West picnic July 27
7/24/08: OWN, West host annual Bancroft Park picnic July 27
7/31/08: Tale of the barbecue: Attendance of more than 250 estimated at picnic
9/4/08: OWN meeting to address safety, CDBG work
9/11/08: Architect who authored Manitou's guidelines hired for Westside overlay effort
10/2/08: OWN to give winners prizes in this year's Spirit Awards
10/2/08: Sidewalk proposed on Manitou Boulevard
11/6/08: Spirit Awards nomination deadline extended
11/13/08: OWN Spirit Awards now to be presented Dec. 4
12/4/08: Design guidelines for proposed Westside historic overlay: Public meetings won't be until March
12/4/08: OWN nixes own confab to go Shoppe-ing
12/11/08: Holiday Lighting Contest is back
12/11/08: Spirit Awards put spotlight on Westside property upgrades
12/18/08: HOGC gets first look at guidelines draft Dec. 20

2/28/08: Sherbak retires after 50-plus years
5/22/08: To Hollywood and back again for Mr. Eugene
6/26/08: Lily returns home after 9 weeks in hospitals
9/25/08: Westside mom, son thwart fugitive - but it isn't cheap
11/6/08: Century mark reached by Westside woman
12/11/08: 6-year-old battles back from crash: Hard work, humor help Lily Griesan and family

10/30/08: Nature close-up

1/10/08: Fallen pole suspected as fire's spark
1/10/08: Swifter grafitti removal pledged: Code Enforcement directing pilot program led by its own employee
1/24/08: Crimes can now be reported online
1/24/08: Helicopters at council Feb. 11
2/7/08: New Station 5 bay: built for more than bowling balls
2/14/08: Police helicopters to return to service
2/28/08: Fire closes Westside fish shop, for time being
3/6/08: City Code seminar at Trading Post
4/3/08: Emergency responders ask: 'Move Over'
4/10/08: Citizens' meeting at PD's Falcon Substation
5/22/08: Gold Hill Division seeks citizens for committee
5/29/08: Low-budget graffiti removal working
6/5/08: Free police program to help thwart thievery
6/5/08: Neighborhood meeting at Fire Station 3
6/12/08: Friday-Saturday night cops in Old Colo. City
7/3/08: Preliminary plan has Station 3 housing extra truck, crew during Station 1 project
8/14/08: Police catch fugitive in condemned house
10/9/08: Parole office moves into 500 West: State using heavily remodeled 10,000-square-foot space to help offenders with 're-entry'
10/16/08: Darby/Chestnut among places hit by thefts of storm grates
10/16/08: Gunshots on avenue helped lead to arrest
10/16/08: New Station 5 fire truck drives better, stores better
10/16/08: Presentations on safety and crime at Gold Hill
10/23/08: Security guard stops robbery on N. Chestnut
11/13/08: Fire fatality at Stepping Stones
11/13/08: Thieves leave watery messes with latest scrap-metal target
12/4/08: Police join Christmas Unlimited in Toy Drive
12/11/08: Fire destroys 105-year-old house on avenue

1/17/08: Clark seeks 4 more years as El Paso County commissioner
1/31/08: 'Super Tuesday' caucuses Feb. 5
3/13/08: GOP likes Gallagher for D-18; he's thinking it over
3/27/08: Candidates lining up for local races
5/22/08: Heimlicher to seek third council term
7/17/08: Democrat campaign office opens on Limit
7/31/08: D-21 challenger appears at library
8/14/08: Udall, Schaffer at Sacred Heart
8/21/08: Udall, Schaffer square off at Sacred Heart
9/18/08: Candidates Clark, Berry differ on proposed 1-cent sales tax
10/9/08: Merrifield honored by community colleges
10/30/08: Westsiders mull state, county election choices
11/6/08: Smooth sailing for Westside incumbents

Post Office
5/8/08: Postage hike to take effect May 12
6/12/08: Off-street postal parking in holding patterns
8/28/08: West End P.O. retail closed Aug. 30

2/7/08: Recycle center at Red Rock center closes

Red Rock Canyon
1/10/08: $ucce$$ for Red Rock pavilion
2/14/08: Bomb shelter preservation effort gains allies
2/21/08: City Parks staff unveils style, substance of Red Rock interpretive plan
2/28/08: Parks Board to take a look at Bock shelter
3/6/08: Park leaders tour Bock bomb shelter; preservation plea on March 13 agenda
3/13/08: Park ranger enjoys being assigned to Red Rock Canyon
3/20/08: Parks Board defuses RRC bomb shelter idea: Ellis plans appeal to City Council to save Bock-built structure
4/17/08: Save the Shelter plans council talk Apr. 22
6/5/08: Wildflower talk in Red Rock lecture series
6/12/08: Workday for Red Rock trail upgrades June 21
7/17/08: Construction set to begin on Red Rock pavilion
9/4/08: Red Rock pavilion project starts with demolition work
9/11/08: Climbing competition at Red Rock, 'adventure race' to start there Sept. 13
9/11/08: Volunteer workday Sept. 20 at Red Rock Canyon
9/18/08: Recreation meets reconstruction
9/25/08: Volunteers welcome at Red Rock workday
11/13/08: Pavilion completion could be Christmas present for Red Rock

1/10/08: County has to replace bridge into RV park
1/17/08: Why the stop sign at 28th and Pikes Peak
1/31/08: Project for 8th Street lane extension, footbridge and sidewalk possible this year
2/21/08: 3 blocks of Bott Avenue getting new sidewalk
3/13/08: Curb/gutter/ramp work slated on 21st Street
3/27/08: Cast in concrete: Crews descend on Westside streets
5/22/08: No change in CSHP development schedule
6/12/08: 3-dimensional chess? Several civic projects coincide in Holland Park
6/26/08: 21st paving segment completed
7/31/08: Road not opening yet
9/4/08: Westside could get bike lanes, upgrades at bus stops

Rock Ledge Ranch
4/10/08: Comeback for sprinkler wagon at Rock Ledge Ranch
5/15/08: Popular draft horse passes on at Rock Ledge
5/29/08: Rock Ledge's Orchard House ready for tours of upper floors
5/29/08: Sheep day kicks off Rock Ledge season
6/5/08: Gardner & Rideout at Rock Ledge June 14
6/26/08: 'Palmer,' 'Bates' to help Rock Ledge's 4th
7/3/08: Houston brings blues band to Rock Ledge
7/10/08: Westsiders celebrate 4th... and 5th: Possible record crowd enjoys patriotic offerings at annual Rock Ledge event
7/17/08: From red to blues: Concert draws crowd after fire put out
7/31/08: 150th celebration features 'bloomer gal(s)' at Rock Ledge, Garden Aug. 2
8/7/08: Bloomers make sesquicentennial comeback on Westside, Pikes Peak
8/7/08: Red Spirit at Rock Ledge Aug. 10
8/14/08: Fiddles, Vittles & Vino returns to Rock Ledge
8/21/08: Eat, drink and be musical at Rock Ledge bluegrass festival Saturday
8/28/08: Annual vintage baseball match at Rock Ledge
8/28/08: Tornado stays away, people flock to Rock Ledge Fiddles
9/4/08: Cloud Busters drank all their milk
9/4/08: Folk Art Fest at Rock Ledge Sept. 12-14
9/4/08: Tag... you're out
9/11/08: To benefit from Folk Art Festival
9/18/08: Blacksmith Aspery guests at Rock Ledge
9/25/08: Harvest Festival at Rock Ledge Ranch Oct. 4
10/2/08: Several tribes at Rock Ledge's 1st Nation's Day
10/16/08: First Nations Day at Rock Ledge
10/30/08: Learn about hog processing at Rock Ledge
11/13/08: Rock Ledge Ranch, Garden of the Gods facing budget cuts in 2009 city budget
11/13/08: Rock Ledge shows modern folk how old-timers got 'everything but the oink'
12/11/08: Holiday Evenings at Rock Ledge
12/18/08: Weather kind to Holiday Evenings

3/20/08: A new program to battle truancy: Westside's attendance-challenged stats similar to rest of District 11's
5/15/08: Schools celebrate end of year with ceremonies
6/12/08: Summer bond work starts
6/12/08: Summer food at Pike, Washington
7/3/08: D-11 Summer school July 7-Aug. 1
8/14/08: 4,200 Westside students go back to school Aug. 18
8/14/08: Schools list open houses, new teachers
9/25/08: Contracted D-11 study to lead to closure policy
10/16/08: D-11 consultants want public input on closure-related issues
10/16/08: Geothermal projects bring better air, lower energy use to Washington, Holmes
10/30/08: D-11 consultants mostly mum before board report: Nov. 5 work session to reveal specific schools
11/6/08: Whittier, Buena Vista closures suggested in latest D-11 scenario; Board to discuss report again at Nov. 12 meeting
11/20/08: Reutilization: Board, staff talk about moving magnets from Westside schools
11/26/08: D-11 begins shaping future strategy
11/26/08: School concerts, programs in season
12/11/08: 29 musicians selected from Holmes, West
12/18/08: Howbert, Holmes high on state list: Both earn Irwin award for 2008 CSAP scores
12/29/08: Feedback sought on D-11 plans
   Bijou School
1/31/08: Diamond surprise for Bijou teacher
   Bristol Elementary
2/7/08: Bristol in event for magnet schools
8/28/08: Health issues to sideline Bristol's Ferguson after '09
   Buena Vista Elementary
2/7/08: Community garden at Buena Vista set to start March 1
4/10/08: Ending neighborhood-school tradition: But many benefits seen in planned BV move to full Montessori magnet
5/15/08: Buena Vista principal resigns
8/7/08: District picks BV leader from within
10/23/08: Buena Vista holds garage-sale fundraiser Oct. 25
12/11/08: Parents, teachers start 'Save Buena Vista' effort
   Coronado High School
1/17/08: Coronado students hear from veteran: 'World War II was fought with people like you'
2/14/08: CHS blood drive exceeds expectations
2/21/08: CHS musicians not playing the blues... but they could
2/21/08: Mahoy's triple honor leads CHS All-State musicians
3/6/08: 6 from Coronado choir make All-State
3/6/08: Coronado's Misegadis wins first place at state in bridge-building event
4/10/08: Coronado wins state ProStart for second time in 3 years
4/17/08: Coronado drama moves outdoors for spritely version of 'Dream'
4/17/08: Raku fires up CHS artists, chemists
4/24/08: New milestone nears for 'miracle baby' Grant Renck: a Coronado High diploma
4/24/08: On Grant: 'He is just loved'
5/1/08: CHS' 'Dream' production to fill Holmes courtyard
5/1/08: Shakespeare comes to Westside
5/8/08: 'It's been a good ride' - last original Coronado High teacher retires this year
5/15/08: Mahoy, Wolf academic leaders for Class of '08
5/15/08: What will be time capsule's fate in 2058?
7/24/08: New delay looms for Coronado auditorium: 11th-hour fire sprinkler demand could push project into school year
8/14/08: Coronado to have auditorium by Sept. 1, D-11 Facilities chief says
8/21/08: Coronado celebrates '06 grad Henry Cejudo's Olympics gold medal
8/21/08: Coronado's '08 seniors' scholarships, honors listed
8/28/08: CHS '08 scholarships - Part 2
9/4/08: Olson (Coronado '91) also in China's Olympics
9/18/08: At last! Coronado auditorium grand opening Sept. 27: Community can request seats, starting Sept. 22
9/25/08: Coronado comes to Old Town Oct. 4: Despite surprise cost, students hope for state's largest homecoming parade
10/2/08: Coronado unveils new auditorium to satisfied crowd
10/2/08: Engstrom: Project account, by the numbers
10/9/08: Mission accomplished: State's #1 homecoming parade
10/23/08: Olympic champion Cejudo to return for assembly at Coronado
10/23/08: Coach Hugill relishes Coronado's first-ever regional cross country title
10/30/08: Coronado High School PTA to meet early Nov. 7
10/30/08: Coronado honors Olympian: Cejudo on alma mater: 'I basically learned to read and write here'
11/13/08: Fairy tale fun in Coronado performance
11/26/08: Traffic: DriveSmart at CHS; '08 grad dies on I-25
   Holmes Middle School
3/13/08: Holmes' 8th-graders readying for 2 art exhibits
3/13/08: Holmes pulls a 'Hoosiers' - wins city BB title
5/22/08: Holmes a 'model school'
8/14/08: Utter becomes permanent principal at Holmes
10/23/08: Holmes sings with Up with People
   Howbert Elementary School
3/6/08: Mighty fine performance
4/24/08: Funny things going on at Howbert
7/31/08: Howbert comes through on CSAPs: Elementary's scores among district's highest
   Jackson Elementary School
1/131/08: Trumpeting away at Jackson
9/25/08: New art from old materials at Jackson Elementary
12/11/08: 'School Daze' at night
   Midland Elementary
6/26/08: Bishop removed as Midland principal; replacement unknown
7/3/08: Replacement of Midland principal seen in 2 weeks
7/17/08: D-11 fills Midland principal gap: Colbert brings recent IB background, 16 years in education to Westside elementary; district leaders stress school's importance
10/30/08: Good attitudes
10/30/08: Midland murals help in picturing IB concepts
12/4/08: Counting on Christmas
   Pike Elementary
1/24/08: More pizzas than Louie wants to count; Pike says thank you
4/17/08: D-11 plan would close Pike, relocate Bijou School: Public hearing April 23; Board of Education to vote on plan May 7
4/24/08: Pike supporters make case to school board: But no indications how vote will go May 7
5/1/08: Possible 1-year closure delay no solace for Pike supporters
5/1/08: Unresolved question if Bijou moves into Pike building: the off-campus smoking location
5/8/08: Pike off District 11 chopping block - at least till November
11/20/08: Pike's CSAP scores make it top Title 1 school in state
   Washington Elementary
10/2/08: Wal-Mart 'vote' favors Washington teacher
   West Middle School
2/28/08: West plans three-part fundraiser March 6
3/13/08: Parent-led fundraiser boosts West
4/17/08: In quest of Bigfoot at West Middle School
5/1/08: West rises in two state academic events
7/3/08: Upgrades to West student lunch area
8/21/08: West leads improvement in 4 CSAP areas
10/9/08: Fledgling pugilists learn from former amateur at West
11/13/08: West SAIL students to set up 'wax museum'
11/26/08: Pharaohs 'brought back to life' at West Middle School
12/18/08: West math team equal to task at district competition
12/29/08: West Science Fair big again
11/6/08: More to fall

Silver Key
1/31/08: Silver Key: No transportation cuts, despite RTA '08 funding reduction
11/20/08: Silver Key ponders transportation future
12/4/08: Girl Scouts give boost to Silver Key, seniors

Space Foundation
6/12/08: CHS students in first Aerospace Institute

1/31/08: First time for OTC to bring team to Westside's ArtSports
2/14/08: Ceiling safe from trampolinist
9/25/08: 4 ArtSports athletes win at National Championships
10/2/08: West, Holmes in first year playing tackle football

Territory Days
5/8/08: Pop star Cabrera to play at Territory Days May 26
5/15/08: From 31st to 33rd annual - festival gets 'historically correct'
5/15/08: T-Days: Behind the details
5/15/08: Territory Days sashays into Old Town May 24-26
5/22/08: T-Days offers Coronado shuttle
5/22/08: Territory Days to spark up Old Town May 24-26
5/22/08: Territory Days: What, where, when
5/29/08: Crowded sidewalks hint at record attendance for 2008 Territory Days
5/29/08: Territory Days scenes

Traffic Calming
3/27/08: Plans form for 17th Street calming project
7/31/08: 17th Street traffic-calming talk Aug. 6
8/7/08: New reasons, another delay for 17th St. calming project
11/6/08: Sinton Trail at boulevard finally 'calmed'

Trails and Open Space
3/20/08: Midland Trail plans slowly taking shape
6/26/08: Scenic land could become open space; But subdivision in the works if city, church can't come to terms
7/10/08: Midland Trail needs grant for construction of Phases 2 & 3
11/20/08: Try for open space falters: Subdivision now seen for White Acres
12/4/08: Nearly 100 at meeting on White Acres development
12/18/08: 'Tree of hope' to be trimmed at White Acres

1/10/08: Transpo plan open house
1/24/08: Schedule/cost changes listed for other future Westside transportation projects
1/31/08: Stats show: Westside intersections safer in '07
2/7/08: Constitution extension reappears in PPACG plan
2/7/08: Public can comment on 2035 transpo plan
2/14/08: Clark up on Cimarron/I-25, down on 2035 forecast
2/14/08: PPACG holds public open house on draft transportation plan
7/10/08: Project to improve handicapped access at bus stops
8/21/08: Street to become Lower Gold Camp Road: Norris-Penrose is only address to change
9/11/08: Are you ready for 'sharrow'? Bicycles would share 20th-to-30th Uintah traffic lanes in new-to-Colorado strategy sought by area cycling community
10/16/08: Intersection stoplight to be added at 29th and Colorado
10/16/08: PPACG board backs Uintah bike-lane project
10/23/08: Bus stops, ped ramps upgraded in project
11/6/08: Ute Pass Express buses to run 15 times a day Monday-Friday
11/26/08: Cripple Creek shuttle back on 8th
11/26/08: Project to give 2 through lanes to NB 21st going across highway
12/29/08: Bus fares up, Route 3 streamlined in '09

2/7/08: Responses to Utilities 'Green Power' survey show strong support for renewable energy
2/7/08: Wind power could blow in electric rate increase: Another new Utilities cost: $750,000 for certificates to meet state's 'renewable' energy requirement this year
2/28/08: Gas-line upgrade in Platte's 2900 block
3/13/08: Energy-effiency rebate program info March 19
5/1/08: Heads up!
5/1/08: Sewer work at Chestnut/Fontanero; more on Westside this summer
5/15/08: Sewer-pipe replacement to bottleneck 31st St. for three more weeks
10/9/08: 24th St. should stay open now
12/11/08: Wastewater project closes 19th Street

10/2/08: 9 Westside entities, numerous volunteer openings in 'Make a Difference Month'

1/17/08: Update on E. Coli study Jan. 24
1/31/08: Creek study still inconclusive; info from citizens sought
5/8/08: 19th St. pond 'trash-dumping trouble spot'
9/4/08: Update on Fountain Creek E. Coli study Sept. 11
9/25/08: Pets become suspects in creek E. Coli study
12/18/08: Two-county IGA sets stage for Fountain Creek Watershed district
12/29/08: Open forum on creek restoration plans Jan. 7

West Center
1/17/08: Reasons for fewer classes at West Intergenerational
2/7/08: 'Be Red Cross Ready' is class goal
3/13/08: No TSP Teen Job Fair at West Center this spring
4/3/08: Input opportunity for West Center planning
5/8/08: 55, female and have a basketball jones? West Intergenerational Center wants you
5/8/08: West Center publishes summer brochure
7/10/08: Discounted cholesterol screening offered at West Intergenerational Center July 23
7/17/08: West screening session extended
8/28/08: West Center publishes its fall brochure
10/9/08: Basketball clinic Oct. 18 for women over 55

2/7/08: Division of Wildlife: Don't feed deer
9/25/08: Three in a tree - bear facts on the Westside