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Archived Issues

January 2007
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February 2007
February 1
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March 2007
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April 2007
April 5
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May 2007
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October 4
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October 18
October 25
November 2007
November 1
November 8
November 15
November 21
November 29
December 2007
December 6
December 13
December 20
December 27

Articles by Subject

Featured Sections
Biz Buzz
2/1/07: New stores open on Westside
2/1/07: Ceramic exhibit opens Feb. 10
2/8/07: CTU offers $1M military scholarship opportunity
2/15/07: Longtime chiropractor relocates to 21st
2/22/07: Police fingerprinting at ArtSports
3/1/07: Realty diaper campaign; Gold Hill models
3/8/07: King Soopers reno to last till June
3/15/07: Band benefit for troops in Iraq
3/22/07: Ramblin Express eyes site off 31st Street
3/29/07: ArtWalk returns to Old Town April 6
4/5/07: New Westside/Manitou phone book out
4/12/07: Silent auction to aid Silver Key
4/19/07: Needy pets to benefit from fundraiser
4/26/07: Miniatures Art Show at El Dorado Gallery
5/3/07: Book signings at Old Town businesses
5/31/07: Book-signing, business updates
6/14/07: Walgreens begins 2-store changeover
7/5/07: Free trampoline time at ArtSports
7/12/07: Grand opening for New Ace July 13-15
7/19/07: New owner for Old Town's La Baguette
7/26/07: New owner at Mountain Moppets
8/9/07: X-country cyclists at Westside B&B
8/23/07: Coffee Fanatic focusing on wholesale
8/30/07: Relocation, grand opening, artist call
9/6/07: Liquor license for Cucuru
9/27/07: Art Walk on despite shuttle shutdown
10/25/07: Welcome to Hunter-Wolff Gallery
11/1/07: Big 5 Sporting Goods at Uintah Gardens
11/15/07: Express stays in Van Briggle lot for now
11/21/07: Reilly offers open house, demos this week
11/29/07: Free parking Saturdays in Old Town
12/20/07: Flat & Fancy changes hands

Cobweb Corners
1/11/07: The big storm of 1913
1/18/07: From ice boxes to refrigerators
1/25/07: Pikes Peak: Tall tales
2/1/07: Stick 'em up!
2/8/07: Not an anniversary to forget
2/15/07: Just a cottage
2/22/07: The welcome arch
3/1/07: Palmer and his towns
3/8/07: A breakfast story
3/15/07: The top of the mountain
3/22/07: Up on Midland Heights
3/29/07: The red rock park that never was
4/5/07: Up front about cabooses
4/12/07: Churches, then and now
4/19/07: Artifacts in front of us
4/26/07: When most people heated with coal
5/3/07: Up Ute Pass in an ore train
5/10/07: The Long Expedition of 1820
5/17/07: Anybody seen a Hiestand postcard?
5/24/07: Woody: Found at last
5/31/07: The many Pike's Peaks
6/7/07: It has always been like that!
6/14/07: Imagine the early days
6/28/07: Tent cabins
7/5/07: Movies that were filmed here
7/12/07: 'Lost' town names
7/19/07: Remembering ol' Bill
7/26/07: Another look at 'The Incident'
8/2/07: Tourists and the automobile'
8/9/07: It's the law!
8/16/07: The Flood of '35
8/23/07: When coal was beneath our feet
8/30/07: An early Colorado City cabin
9/6/07: Wild horses roamed here
9/13/07: Other ways rocks were used
9/20/07: Bricks, greenstone and the president hills
9/27/07: Colorado City's 2nd memorable fire
10/4/07: What does he have to do with here?
10/11/07: When traffic was really bogged down
10/18/07: How did the people do it?
10/25/07: Fighting traffic in pre-pavement days
11/1/07: Missing trains
11/8/07: Researching train wrecks... with postcards
11/15/07: Old papers, old friends
11/21/07: Down at the roundhouse
11/29/07: The Ghost Town building
12/6/07: On the lookout for stories
12/13/07: Inside the one-room schoolhouse
12/20/07: Our New Year tradition
12/27/07: A burger to remember

District 3 Report
4/26/07: District 3 Report: Public process more than side issue

Editor's Desk
1/11/07: On to our fourth year
1/18/07: CDOT view of Westside: Road-kill
1/25/07: A winter to remember... if it ever leaves
2/1/07: Tilting at windmills
2/8/07: West Kiowa: Neighbors deserve better
2/15/07: Urgency? What urgency?
2/22/07: A beautified block
3/1/07: Good news, bad news and Kiowa
3/8/07: The weekly high-buttoned shoe
3/15/07: Making news
3/22/07: Too bad about the parade
3/29/07: Their way and the highway?
4/5/07: Got an issue? Call your councilman
4/12/07: Second thoughts on St. Vrain
4/19/07: Media should be part of the solution
4/26/07: Visions on the Westside
5/3/07: Something is in a name
5/10/07: Pike's little miracle
5/17/07: On 2-laning Old Colorado City
5/24/07: Territory Days - it keeps being fun
5/31/07: COSMIX contractor ramps up
6/7/07: Busy little Bancroft (& other stories)
6/14/07: The Territory Days money
6/28/07: Looking for the green(way)
7/5/07: Recycling in the news
7/12/07: The future, technically speaking
7/19/07: The end of the barbecue
7/26/07: The odd couple: transients and greenway
8/2/07: Silver Key and Mikki
8/9/07: Letting in some light
8/16/07: School surprises
8/23/07: Not bad for their city
8/30/07: The visioning thing
9/6/07: Rock Ledge Ranch: an earned name
9/13/07: Let's charge 'em a toll
9/20/07: Where fun isn't far
9/27/07: We've got spirit, yes we do
10/4/07: It's not that funny anymore
10/11/07: A happy announcement
10/18/07: Readin', writin', studyin', configurin'
10/25/07: weather.bomb
11/1/07: Awards need new spirit
11/8/07: 'Little news' - large impacts
11/15/07: New direction in Old Colorado City
11/21/07: Thanks for the good time (24 hours)
11/29/07: A nice view now, looking west
12/6/07: Bringing back the 500 block
12/13/07: Farewell to Mikki
12/20/07: Some issues aren't so obvious
12/27/07: Four years later, we'll take the fifth

Guest Columns
3/8/07: Hwy 24 Greenway worth considering by Dave Hughes
5/3/07: Neighborhood Watch
5/24/07: Looking forward to turning 80 by Dave Hughes
6/14/07: OCC art 'best kept secret' By Bill Crowley
6/28/07: Bock house fundraising by Don Ellis and Karlee Thompson
8/23/07: Garden's FOGG provides education by Suzanne Jarvinen, President, Friends of Garden of the Gods
12/27/07: How the dentist moved his chair by Dr. Michael Wahl

1/11/07: From Bob Mora and Julie Hartsell
1/18/07: Aid sought for Castle West fire victims from Bill Jensen
1/25/07: From Dana Susan Beasley and Susan Humphrey
3/1/07: Questions if 'concept' retained from Don Martin
3/8/07: Kiowa project needed citizen review from Roger Christensen
3/15/07: From Nadine Kirby and Beth Cook
3/29/07: Removal of marchers was correct from Jim Corcoran
4/5/07: Peace message belonged in parade from Kathy Verlo
4/5/07: 'Smoked and mirrored' on Hwy 24 from Eugene RedHawk
4/12/07: 'Dumbfounded' by St. Vrain barricade from Karen Pierce
4/12/07: Side effects: Trash trucks, 17th St. traffic from Nancy Herzog
5/3/07: Driving blunder excites West Platte from Victoria "Tory" Pearlstein
5/3/07: Uintah Gardens work criticized from David Hein
5/10/07: 'Thanks for the memories' from Ruth Teason
5/24/07: Opposed to lane reduction in OCC from Anne McDavid
5/24/07: Uintah Gardens misses priorities from Jay Lowery
5/31/07: No buffalo in Garden of the Gods from Curt Neeley
5/31/07: Unhappy with police response from Danielle Overly
6/7/07: City goes too far on medians, permits from Peter Dunn
7/5/07: Local Rotary Club celebrates 60th from Carla Vauthrin
7/19/07: Key factors omitted in traffic forecast from Robert Nemanich
7/26/07: Library appreciation to West Center from Beth Cook
7/26/07: Supervision, not homeless, was issue from Stephen Brown
8/16/07: Ways to address transient problem from Mary Baker
8/30/07: Room for public lot at post office from Harvey McAnulty
9/13/07: Appreciation for Mikki Kraushaar from Joseph Atencio
9/13/07: Concern about Garden's 'patches' from Susan Stout
9/27/07: History buffs visit 'real' Sand Creek from Dave Hughes
10/4/07: More appreciation for Kraushaar from Roy J. Pope
11/8/07: Appreciation for Safe Treats event from Dan Hoff
11/21/07: A call to keep police substations open from Welling Clark
11/29/07: From Susan Bernstein and Deborah Janke
12/13/07: PTA building community at Bristol from Michelle Stellick

Meet a Westside Pioneer
2/8/07: Mary Smith
8/2/07: Crystal Rhodes
10/11/07: Gail Anne Bailey
11/15/07: Catherine Walsh
12/27/07: Dick Strauch

Meet a Westsider
1/18/07: Jean Griesan
2/1/07: Don Brown
2/15/07: Michele Lawson
3/1/07: Bunny Blaha
3/22/07: Pam Hilbert
4/5/07: Hannelore Berg
4/19/07: Emily Kress
5/3/07: Joyce Lawrence
5/17/07: Theresa Barbera
5/31/07: Judy Alexander
6/14/07: Matt Jefferson
7/5/07: Cheryl Zaiger
7/19/07: Donna Mount
7/26/07: Ruth Tapio
8/23/07: John Isham
9/6/07: Sharon Kennedy
9/13/07: Virginia Cox
10/4/07: Rose Ann Nichols
11/8/07: Jim Davis
11/21/07: Rosalie Kolm
11/29/07: Jim Reilly
12/6/07: Lucy Papanier
12/13/07: Stormie Wells
12/20/07: Travers Jordan

5/17/07: Volunteering: CHS, Silver Key, Holland Park
7/5/07: Volunteering: Riding Club works on Garden trail
10/25/07: Greccio's got game; Potterat honored

Series on converted-house businesses
2/8/07: 5 years for Swish on the Avenue... and no regrets

Somewhere, on the Westside...

Westside Schools
2/1/07: Reflections winners from Coronado, Holmes listed
2/8/07: Coronado jazz concert to benefit Castle West
2/22/07: Holmes project meeting Feb. 27
3/8/07: West equal to all but one math team
3/15/07: CHS Class of '87 plans reunion
4/12/07: Holmes artists approved by county
4/26/07: West students collect for Care and Share
6/7/07: Bristol, Washington registration at D-11 through June 15
8/16/07: Rasmussen returns as BV interim
9/6/07: Fair a success; Math-a-Thon starts
9/20/07: AFA athletes schedule Whittier visits
10/4/07: 'A Day Made Better' for Whittier teacher
10/11/07: CHAMPS at West; CHS drama on the road
10/18/07: Martinez to be 'triple threat' at school's carnival
10/25/07: West to raise money for teen shelter; Holmes presents 'Spoon River' drama
11/1/07: 2 Holmes teachers fly weightless
11/8/07: Internet safety in police talk at Coronado
11/15/07: Cougar Cheer again qualifies for nationals

What do you do?
1/11/07: Tracey Anderson
1/25/07: Rory York
2/22/07: Linda Orist
3/8/07: Bonnie Frum
3/15/07: Pat Soderberg
3/29/07: Marci Featherstone
4/12/07: Kathy Bousquet
4/26/07: Ivonne Bass
5/10/07: Dianne Peck
5/24/07: Scott A. Winter
6/7/07: Dorie Wexler
6/28/07: Cat Gruener-Goss
7/12/07: Pastor Al Pittman
8/9/07: Stephanie Stover
8/16/07: Sandy Murphy
8/30/07: Don Emanuel
9/20/07: Bernie Durance
9/27/07: Tim Tafoya
10/18/07: Michele Gostnell
10/25/07: Daniel Job
11/1/07: Tara C. Patty

Other Articles
2/15/07: Juried event seeks Rock Ledge, GoG paintings
5/24/07: Painting with french fries: Old Colorado City artist Jason Baalman featured on Letterman, CNN
7/12/07: Lewis' eagle sculpture completed by local artist
8/16/07: New Gunter-Wolff exhibit opens Aug. 25
9/13/07: Arts Council's Performance Poet award goes to Sucharski
9/13/07: Westside graphics artist inks Balloon Classic logo
9/20/07: Native Summer by Elise Miller
11/1/07: 2 Westside locations on Art Studio Tour; New medium for '07: Keith Roberts' body-casting
11/29/07: Arati Artists co-op fetes 30th year

Bear Creek Nature Center
1/25/07: Volunteer orientation class at Bear Creek Nature Center
2/22/07: Ready for new challenges: County nature centers' superintendent stepping down after 18 years
3/29/07: My, what sleepy teeth you have
5/24/07: Sprucing up Bear Creek's new pavilion
7/26/07: Zoo animals at Nature Center
8/16/07: Nature Center holds orientation Aug. 25
9/6/07: Volunteer leaders sought by center
9/27/07: Lone original Nature Center docent marks 30th year
11/15/07: Nature Center seeks volunteer 'stewards'
12/6/07: 2nd Bear Creek by Candlelight seeks members
12/20/07: Nature Center to bring back 'Candlelight'

Beidleman Nature Center/Sondermann Park
6/7/07: Colorado Springs Parks officials respond to ATV problem at Sondermann Park

Boy Scouts
9/20/07: No diacetyl in Scouts' popcorn

Buildings, New Construction, and Real Estate
2/1/07: Facelift for Red Rock shopping center
2/1/07: Hill properties sale closing set Feb. 16: New owners gearing up to build 550 homes on master-planned land
2/8/07: Neighbors see Bristol-area project plans
2/8/07: Neighbors seeing red over W. Kiowa infill project
2/8/07: Upgrades in 500 block of Avenue
2/15/07: City to set up meeting with developer and neighborhood on W. Kiowa project issues
2/22/07: Temporary halt to rock-scraping at W. Kiowa
3/1/07: 'I'm embarassed by that': Radford, other council members distressed but powerless to help in Kiowa infill project
3/15/07: West Kiowa: Mayor calls for survey resolution
3/22/07: 'Once a Westsider...' Bank at Broadmoor CEO recalls roots as local branch takes form
3/29/07: Auction April 18 for site by Red Rock
4/19/07: Fillmore-Centennial: More shopping on the horizon: City approves Grandview Commons concept plan
4/26/07: Auto lot proposed next to substation
5/3/07: Uintah Gardens construction chaos to ease by mid-June
5/3/07: Zone change request for multi-family
5/17/07: Proposal for second nursing-home tower on Gold Camp Road
5/31/07: Competing with the view
6/7/07: Dee's RVs owner buys property near Red Rock
6/28/07: Work starts on Villas at Mesa Park lots
7/5/07: Stevenson: Van Briggle roundhouse to stand
7/19/07: Buildings in 1700 block quietly being preserved
7/19/07: 'Rita's' location to become strip mall
7/26/07: Project off Garner to be city's first 'RV resort'
8/9/07: Community Land Trust submits lower-impact plan for St. Vrain's 2500 block
8/23/07: December completion eyed for Kissing Camels Office Park
9/13/07: 14 townhomes proposed on West Monument St. property in office zone
11/29/07: Major retail development in the works at Chestnut-Fillmore
12/6/07: Avenue's 500 block takes on new life; Comedy club could be Cunninghams' 1st tenant
12/6/07: Work on 3 lots in new subdivision on Mesa Rd.
12/20/07: Uintah Bluffs proposal goes to City Planning

Centennial Extension
9/27/07: CSHP building its segment of Centennial extension

1/18/07: Finally, a photo of Betty
1/18/07: Stevens elected Al Kaly Shriners' potentate
1/18/07: Woodworth to perform at benefit dinner
3/22/07: Agency that helps home buyers moves to Westside
4/19/07: Empty Bowl dinner to raise money for Care and Share at West April 25
5/17/07: Big Band fundraises for girl with brain tumor
5/31/07: Osborne Trust seeks grant applicants
7/12/07: Bequests to center, library from long-time Westsider
10/11/07: 'Make a Difference Day' lasts a month this year; four projects on Westside need volunteers
10/18/07: Assistance League fair at Masonic
11/1/07: Enterprise Zone proving a boon for Colorado Avenue non-profits
11/1/07: Osborne Trust Fund 2007 grant recipients listed
11/1/07: Osborne Trust grantees for '07 named
11/8/07: Operation Christmas Child involves 2 local churches

Christmas Time
11/8/07: Lighting the way to early Christmas in Old Town: Merchants' new LED display has color, energy savings
11/15/07: Holiday B&B Tour Dec. 2
11/21/07: Vote for your favorite Christmas lights - OWN contest runs to Dec. 12
12/27/07: Evolution of a light display

9/13/07: New Calvary Worship Center building to be dedicated Sept. 14
9/20/07: Calvary Worship Center unveils 27,000-square-foot building at complex off King

Cimarron Bridge/Interchange
1/25/07: Cimarron bridge demo seen in 2 weeks, will follow Bijou work
2/8/07: Cimarron bridge demo date: Feb. 26
2/15/07: Date slips for new Cimarron bridge
3/1/07: Bad news on bridge: Cimarron to stay 2 lanes for another year, after deal falls through with Rockrimmon Constructors
3/1/07: Bridge work spurs free parking March 10
3/8/07: New dates for Cimarron bridge demo; free parking still on March 10
3/22/07: Cimarron bridge weekend closure
3/22/07: Cimarron bridge's former EB lanes to get jack-hammer treatment
3/29/07: Cimarron bridge demo underway, despite train/rain thwarting of weekend closure
4/12/07: CH2M HILL starts designing Cimarron bridge in $320K deal
4/26/07: Cimarron bridge to be closed Saturday
8/16/07: Heimlicher: Do Cimarron bridge all at one time
8/23/07: Citizens seem to favor Cimarron bridge 'all at once' plan
8/30/07: Cimarron bridge plan: all at once
9/20/07: City hires contractor for Cimarron-Conejos bridge
9/27/07: Cimarron bridge closure pushed back to end of October
10/11/07: Closure set for Cimarron bridge: Nov. 1-May 15
10/25/07: Start of Cimarron bridge work remains on schedule
11/1/07: Chance of traffic clogs during first month of Cimarron bridge project: Lane limitations at Bijou, Colorado Ave. bridges
11/15/07: Cimarron bridge demo work underway
12/13/07: Construction begins on new Cimarron bridge
12/27/07: New Cimarron interchange slips down transportation priority list

City Parks
5/3/07: Park with no name? Council policy decision puts dedication on hold for Gold Camp Park
5/10/07: Park's dedication back on
5/31/07: Gold Camp Park dedicated
6/7/07: 'Genny Garden' thriving at Thorndale for 4th year
7/5/07: City Forestry: Blunt Park flower bed to remain fallow
7/12/07: Dancing to go 'Old Tyme' at Bancroft
8/2/07: Old Tyme Dancing at Bancroft Park

County Parks
2/1/07: County Parks pavilions can be reserved
3/15/07: Grant recipients
3/22/07: Mountain bikers seek to build Bear Creek trail
4/5/07: Volunteers sought for Bear Creek 'Stools Day'
4/12/07: Mountain bike trail mostly favored at county open house
6/28/07: Ceremony for weed-eating goats July 1
7/5/07: Goats start feasting on Bear Creek weeds: But slim chance of county being able to fund them again
7/5/07: Herded to a place they like
7/12/07: Goats complete appetizing week at Bear Creek Park
7/12/07: Volunteers building new mountain bike trail in Bear Creek Regional Park
9/6/07: Goats at Bear Creek Sept. 10
9/13/07: Bear Creek Singletrack loop could be done by November
9/13/07: County Parks survey until Sept. 21
9/27/07: Trail extension popular so far in Bear Creek Park survey
10/4/07: Cornstalk fundraiser for Goat Fund
11/1/07: Ongoing volunteer efforts aid Dog Park
11/15/07: Cyclecross at Bear Creek Nov. 18
11/21/07: When is a ride a run?

Dave Hughes
3/29/07: Hughes treks through dimensional portal By Tom and April Foolery (Special to the Westside Pioneer)
4/12/07: Hughes backs Howbert's support of Chivington: Calls for statue in Bancroft Park
12/20/07: Hughes to shut down his computer business

6/14/07: Playing some old favorites at Bancroft Park
9/27/07: Westside's Polka Club changes name, outlook

3/22/07: Bookman: Why was parade anti-war message OK in Old Town ('06), but not in downtown ('07)?
4/12/07: Earth/Arbor Day events planned April 21, 22, 26
4/26/07: Panehellenic holds Scholarship Luncheon
5/17/07: Church hosts annual car & bike show May 27
6/7/07: 'Spectacular' eyes 1,500 riders; Bancroft is a rest stop
7/10/07: Hill Climb stays family affair for Keeneys: Newlyweds drive in event this year
7/26/07: Colorado Day picnic Aug. 1 at Thorndale Park
8/2/07: Cooking for Colorado
9/20/07: Business offers Fun Fest Sept. 22
9/27/07: Free parking Oct. 1-6
11/29/07: Tickets still available for annual B&B Tour Dec. 2
12/6/07: B&B Tour raises $1,655 for History Center

Farmer's Market
5/31/07: Farmers' Market back for 20th year June 9

Garden of the Gods
2/1/07: GoG lecture series starts Feb. 11
2/8/07: Bighorn Day Feb. 17 at GoG center
2/22/07: A big day for the bighorns
2/22/07: Bighorn Day attracts hundreds to Garden's Visitor Center
4/12/07: RMFI schedules Garden workdays to mid-May
4/26/07: 270 volunteers help with Garden of the Gods cleanup on Earth Day; monthly workdays set
4/26/07: Garden, ranch enjoy another big Earth Day
8/16/07: City Forestry: Bare patches only temporary, to help Garden grow
9/20/07: Rotarians make exchange students feel less foreign

Gold Hill Mesa
1/18/07: Gold Hill Mesa development office relocates to... Gold Hill
3/15/07: Gold Hill Mesa model unveiling pans out with public
5/10/07: City Planning reviews 'slight variation' in Gold Hill Mesa's Filing 2 plans
6/7/07: Gold Hill Mesa: 21st St. work to start Aug. 1
8/2/07: Gold Hill: 21st work delayed; Filing 2 plans in
8/16/07: Gold Hill in Parade of Homes
10/4/07: Gold Hill Mesa hurt by nation's housing slump

12/13/07: Goodwill offers some dos and don'ts for prospective donors
12/13/07: Recycling season: Westside Goodwill readies for annual donation rush before New Year's Day

2/15/07: Clark appointed by CCI to state welfare panel
2/22/07: 2 candidate forums upcoming on Westside
2/22/07: Westside NSA has $231,000 in CDBG improvements fund for '07
3/1/07: March 5 last day to register for April 3 city election
3/15/07: She's back! City revocable permits coordinator to do fresh sweep of Colorado Avenue
3/29/07: Don't feed wildlife, state advises
6/14/07: Commissioner helps spark 'Grafitti Falls' clean-up
9/27/07: Public thoughts wanted on transportation, energy
12/20/07: Purvis appointed to NLC chairman post

Groups and Clubs
11/8/07: What knot to do
12/20/07: A perfect fit for AdAmAn: Westside ice-storm lover is club's newest member

Head Start
2/15/07: Feb. 22 kicks off monthly Head Start enrollment clinics

Highway 24
1/11/07: CDOT kept 'shortcut' on public maps for months after idea had been rejected
1/11/07: Open house for Hwy 24 'Greenway' plan Jan. 18
1/18/07: Changes at Hwy 24/31st St. in '07
1/18/07: City faces uncertain future costs on Hwy 24
1/25/07: 'Midland Greenway' ideas abound at first open house
2/8/07: VMS announces CDOT crack-sealing
3/1/07: OWN president questions 2035 Small Area Forecast
3/15/07: Clarification
3/15/07: Greenway concepts go before public
3/15/07: PPACG extends time for comments on 2035 forecast time
3/29/07: Greenway moves forward: 'Preferred alternative' on Hwy 24 element seen in late April; will use open house comments
3/29/07: Remember the Midland Corridor Plan?
4/5/07: CDOT, city maps imply higher density in Westside of future
4/19/07: PPACG board vote opens door for revisions to 2035 forecast
5/3/07: Project starts at Hwy 24 and 31st
5/24/07: Scope grows for Hwy 24/ greenway study
6/14/07: OWN charges PPACG with making 'unrealistic growth projections' - some agree
6/14/07: 'Single Vision' for Greenway June 26
6/28/07: Hwy 24: Greenway plans could kick-start no man's land redevelopment
6/28/07: Ridge Road access in peril
7/12/07: Hwy 24 casts long shadow: PPACG board tentatively OKs growth forecast OWN says will lead to 'overengineered' road expansion
7/12/07: Hwy 24 casts long shadow: Relocation of Prospector statue is already planned
7/26/07: City pleased with 31st/24, plans follow-up work
7/26/07: Manitou will hear all views on greenway to No Man's Land
8/9/07: Council review of greenway urged: Issues include tax losses, property owner concerns
8/16/07: City Council agrees that Hwy 24 presentation would be helpful
8/23/07: Highway 24 presentation to council Aug. 27
8/30/07: Hwy 24: City has interim plans for 21st & 26th
8/30/07: Hwy 24: Priority question lingers after City Council meeting
9/13/07: Teller, Park show how much they want an expanded Hwy 24: Heimlicher, Clark rebut project 'derail' accusations
10/11/07: Hwy 24: CDOT renews planning effort
10/11/07: Hwy 24: Neighborhood miffed about 15th Street 'cut-through'
11/21/07: 2035 issue still simmering at PPACG
11/29/07: Acceleration lane opens at 31st/Hwy 24
11/29/07: CDOT seeks 'guidance' on 3 unresolved Hwy 24 issues
12/20/07: Hwy 24 ELT planning sessions postponed

3/8/07: Alexander Film Co. remembered
4/26/07: Howbert relocated to cabin to get warm
6/14/07: A thing of the past: 90-foot sign comes down
7/19/07: Siegle on Gold Rush July 23-24

4/5/07: Easter Sunday (April 8) services listed for Westside churches
4/19/07: Conservation Center open for Earth Day

Humane Society
10/18/07: Pet cemetery to open at Humane Society
11/1/07: A final resting place for animals
11/1/07: Plaque from Humane Society director is first at Faithful Friends Memorial Garden

1/11/07: Bijou project underway
1/25/07: $170K sought to enhance Bijou west of new bridge
1/25/07: Bijou bridge demo nears completion
2/8/07: Colorado Ave. bridge widening continues
2/15/07: Sitting trains derailing completion of Bijou demo
2/22/07: Money found to dress up Bijou block west of interchange
3/8/07: New Bijou bridge rising from rubble of old
3/29/07: Signage sought to solve Bijou business backwater bind
4/5/07: New slant on COSMIX with bridge 8 feet higher
4/26/07: Plan to open southbound Bijou off-ramp 4 months early
5/31/07: Contractor readying Bijou off-ramp
6/7/07: Bijou SB off-ramp to open June 14; details to come
6/14/07: Avenue bridge work continues
7/5/07: 3 lanes on I-25 north of GoG Road; work continues at Bijou/Colorado
7/26/07: Avenue at I-25 closes Sun.-Thur. nights until Sept. 1
8/23/07: Bijou bridge to look 'finished' at opening
8/30/07: Follow-up: Spruce will go back to two-way
9/13/07: Bijou bridge sure to open Oct. 1, but...
9/27/07: At least it's there: Bijou bridge to open with limited lanes Oct. 1
10/4/07: Bijou bridge opens to positive reviews
10/18/07: Spruce, Pikes Peak 2-way again with Bijou bridge open
10/25/07: COSMIX, city help deaf and blind man at intersection
11/21/07: 2nd EB lane reopens under avenue bridge
11/29/07: Beautification of block by new Bijou bridge
12/20/07: 6 lanes finally open all the way through town: Completion of Colorado Avenue bridge widening allows COSMIX to eliminate I-25 Bijou-to-Cimarron bottleneck

1/25/07: Programs to get temporary homes when library shuts down
2/1/07: Book sale Feb. 10 at library
3/8/07: Still waiting on building permit, library sends out some programs
4/12/07: Library's 6-month closure starts April 28
4/26/07: Library, patrons prepare for half-year closure
5/17/07: Bookmobile averaging 100 patrons per day in Old Town
5/31/07: Reading volunteers still needed this summer
7/5/07: Original library work revealed in demolition
8/9/07: Library preservation project fundraising exceeds $1 million
9/27/07: November opening seen as OCC library project nears completion
10/11/07: Rebuilt library to reopen by Nov. 17
10/25/07: OCC Library reopens after 6-month project; Interior layout similar to original in 1904
11/8/07: Old Colorado City Library open house Nov. 17
11/21/07: Library renews public affection at reopening; Chalk on sidewalk: 'We missed our library' 11/21/07: Living history at the library

Local Businesses
1/11/07: Jazzercise at ArtSports
1/11/07: New shop on avenue
1/18/07: Mountain Mama buys property for new store at 19th & Henderson
2/8/07: Horse, driver continuing recovery from accident
2/22/07: Ranch Steakhouse staying natural: Callicrate departure won't change 'concept'
3/8/07: Longs stores leaving Colo., Westside by fall
3/29/07: New tavern proposed at 1201 W. Colorado
4/19/07: Engineering firm eyes old Midland school
4/19/07: Neighborhood meeting set April 25 on proposed tavern
4/26/07: Neighborhood meeting goes well for proposed tavern
5/10/07: Ace Hardware to return to Uintah Gardens center
5/10/07: Walgreens taking over both Longs on Westside
6/28/07: Follow-up: Daughter provides background on old restaurant
6/28/07: PPNB hits 50: Commercial Club brought bank back to Old Town in '57
7/5/07: Bicycle shop opens in 30th Street center
7/12/07: New Realty firm opens on the avenue
7/12/07: Gardeners invited to open house
7/12/07: Secret Garden expansion OK'd
8/16/07: Walgreens opening seen in mid-September
8/23/07: 'A little bit of everything' after 37 years
9/13/07: Engineering firm enjoys move to old Midland School
9/13/07: Old-school engineering
9/20/07: 3 from ArtSports win national titles in their categories
10/4/07: New Walgreens opens at Uintah Gardens
11/21/07: From Chinese to Mexican food

1/11/07: 'Fiery' new Emergicare on Westside
4/12/07: Discounted health screenings at church
4/12/07: Immunizations at Westside CARES
5/24/07: Clinic for poor moves into Near Westside house; coordinators say they were unaware of permit need
6/28/07: CS Osteopathic relocates to new Westside building
7/19/07: Regional rehab facility opens north of Fillmore
8/2/07: 5-story skilled-nursing facility would add to existing service at Village at Skyline
9/6/07: Temporary clinic site OK'd by City Planning
9/13/07: PPMH grant means more down-and-outers will get examined
10/25/07: County Health starts plague prevention efforts in PV

Miscellaneous News
2/22/07: Fairview Cemetery scheduled for cleaning March 1-15
4/12/07: Chem-waste facility extends drop-off times
5/17/07: Free disposal May 19 for household electronics
6/7/07: Pioneer to raise cost of subscriptions By Kenyon Jordan, Editor/Publisher
6/28/07: Rotary seeks applicants for India exchange
12/6/07: Elusive mountain lion keeps Westside schools on their toes
12/20/07: Early deadline for Dec. 27 issue; following Pioneer won't be till Jan. 10
12/27/07: '07 stories of the year: Westside had plenty to build on

11/8/07: 'Simpich Story' at Pioneers Museum

4/5/07: Residents notice lack of notice in street closure: Heimlicher says staff actions follow recent city pattern of 'arrogance' toward Westsiders
4/12/07: Keep it closed for now, Heimlicher says in council confab on St. Vrain/18th St.: District 3 representative wants to wait for resolution of 'public process'
4/26/07: St. Vrain meeting date being set this week
5/10/07: City plans wider St. Vrain/18th access
5/10/07: Near Westside's Gateway District: Money is always an issue
5/17/07: Follow-up: More streetlight bad luck for district
6/28/07: Association promotes Holland Park garage sales June 30
7/19/07: Westside in flower
10/4/07: Cougar-escaping kittens - free on Columbia Rd.
10/18/07: Much ado about nothing? St. Vrain/ 18th may go back to the way it was
10/25/07: Pleasant Valley Assn. re-elects Dick Wulf
10/25/07: St. Vrain access to change back
11/8/07: Neighborhood Watch meeting called for Midland-area residents
11/21/07: About 70 at Midland N-Watch meeting
12/6/07: Mesa Springs to discuss NSA fate Dec. 11
12/13/07: 50 attend Mesa Springs CDBG phase-out meeting

No Man's Land
10/4/07: No end in sight for historic flooding at motel, avenue

Norris-Penrose Events Center
1/18/07: Local BMX group hosts 'Race for Life' event at N-P
2/1/07: Young riders aid leukemia fight
4/19/07: Over the top
5/24/07: Added attractions at Pikes Peak or Bust
6/14/07: Range Riders to mosey through Westside again
6/28/07: 5th year for Ride for the Brand
6/28/07: Competition for Girl of West's Aide
7/5/07: Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo seeks non-traditional crowd for rodeo
7/12/07: A legal mugging
7/12/07: Ride for Brand has record crowd
7/19/07: Attendance record for Pikes Peak or Bust
7/26/07: Girl of West judging picks Humiston, Biernat
9/13/07: 'Miracles' Sept. 15 at N-P

1/11/07: IN MEMORIAM: Helen C. Randal
8/9/07: In memoriam: Jim Larsen
8/16/07: Follow-up: In memoriam: Jim Larsen
8/30/07: In memoriam: Shirley Mitton
11/8/07: In memoriam: Eskeldson remembered for area mining contributions
12/13/07: Kraushaar's name to remain as legacy for senior agency she led; Silver Key honoring long-time leader's memory

Old Colorado City
1/11/07: St. Patrick's Day Parade leaving Westside
3/22/07: Toddlers to get their own turf for this year's OCC egg hunt
4/5/07: Estimated 300 join merchants' Egg Hunt in Bancroft
5/3/07: Old Town-downtown shuttle offered during Art Walk
5/10/07: Colorful tones
6/7/07: Bancroft Park to have a musical summer
6/7/07: Bancroft to host Knit in Public Day June 9
7/26/07: Demos, exhibit opening at Aug. 3 Art Walk
8/2/07: Founders' Day, Cemetery Crawl Aug. 11-12
8/9/07: Cutting-edge art
8/9/07: Longer avenue 'wheelbase' for Good Times Car Show
8/16/07: Sun shines on historical weekend
8/23/07: Nearly 400 vehicles at Car Show in Old Town
9/13/07: Scarecrows rustle into Old Colorado City
9/20/07: Sept. 22 big day in Old Town
9/27/07: Giant pumpkins coming to Old Colorado City Oct. 6
10/4/07: Old Town staying busy in October
10/11/07: 2 pumpkins over 1,000 pounds in Old Town event
10/25/07: Several area mascots to help with Safe Treats for Old Colorado City Halloween
11/1/07: A day for costumes, candy in Old Town
11/15/07: Santa Claus on his way to Bancroft Park
12/6/07: 'Santa weekend' arrives in Old Town
12/20/07: Santa is in the building
3/1/07: For now at least, time 'historic' on plaza clock
3/22/07: Follow-Up: Clock: Recognizing Mrs. Chambon
5/24/07: Merchant offering historical Old Town tours
6/7/07: Historic-overlay grant awarded: Work will create guidelines for proposed older-Westside zone
7/19/07: More Old Town shops stay open late
8/9/07: Revocable permits: City goes back to drawing board
9/13/07: City rebuffs angle parking plan
10/11/07: Ore cart finds new home in Old Town
   Old Colorado City Associates
1/11/07: New OCCA board elected
2/1/07: New OCCA president wants to get word out about Old Town's virtues
5/17/07: OCCA plan: 2-lane avenue through Old Town
6/28/07: Mrs. (and Mr.) Colorado shoot OCCA TV commercial
8/9/07: District gives City Parks liaison a stylish send-off
9/13/07: OCCA to hire marketing/events director
11/15/07: OCCA hires marketing director
12/20/07: Office space cleared at maintenance shop for new OCCA marketing director
   Old Colorado City Security and Maintenance District
6/7/07: District hires late-night police for Old Town on Fridays and Saturdays

6/14/07: Last of original globe lights taken out in Old Town
Old Colorado City Historical Society
1/18/07: Author tells Van Briggle story at History Center
2/1/07: Early Colorado hotels to be topic Feb. 9 at History Center
2/15/07: McFarland Cog train talk at History Center Feb. 24
3/1/07: Cog train postcards... real and fanciful
3/1/07: Video about Colorado City-raised Lon Chaney
4/5/07: Printers Home talk set at Historical Society
4/12/07: Irving Howbert to attend ceremony marking OCCHS' re-release of famed grandfather's book April 28
4/12/07: Victorian hat-making workshop at OCCHS
4/19/07: Tickets on sale for annual 'Victorian Tea'
5/3/07: Howbert's grandson popular at ceremony for reprinting of 'Memories'
5/3/07: OCCHS hosts 'Biffies' talk
6/14/07: Historical Society holds third annual gardening event
6/28/07: Fair raises $600 for Historical Society
7/5/07: History Center Tuesday series starts July 10
8/9/07: College student to portray opium addict's wife for 'Crawl'
8/16/07: Garvin descendants visit cabin
8/16/07: 'Indian War of 1868' topic of OCCHS talk
9/6/07: WW II 'Soldiers on Skis' at History Center
9/13/07: Colorado City among areas with 1800s depredation claims, professor reports
10/4/07: Ghost Town talk at History Center
10/25/07: Historical Society celebrates center's 10th year with open house Nov. 3
11/1/07: Mining presentation at Old Colo. History Center
11/8/07: History Center marks 10th anniversary
11/21/07: Mining for stories
11/29/07: AdAmAn program at History Center
12/27/07: Manitou font subject of talk at History Center

OWN (The Organization of Westside Neighbors)
1/11/07: Hughes: OWN wins 'Round 1 of overlay proposal at City Council
1/18/07: OWN incumbents, newcomer win seats
2/8/07: City staff questions OWN strategy on historic overlay
2/8/07: OWN board keeping same officers for '07
2/15/07: Council sees future in historic-overlay zone covering 3,600 homes on older Westside
3/1/07: OWN lining up candidates for forum March 8 at West Center
3/15/07: Council, mayor candidates tackle OWN questions in forum at West
5/3/07: City applies for state historic grant to help with costs for OWN overlay effort
5/3/07: If you're missing sidewalks, don't miss this meeting
7/19/07: Food for thought: Block-nic to offer info this year, not barbecue
8/2/07: No BBQ, smaller crowd at 'block-nic'
9/6/07: Utilities, Code Enforcement at OWN
10/4/07: OWN meetings back at West
10/4/07: OWN-selected architect starts work on historic overlay guidelines
10/4/07: Spirit Awards offer recognition chance for Westside renovators
11/1/07: OWN to present Spirit Awards Nov. 8
11/15/07: 3rd annual Spirit Awards: OWN honors Westside beautification projects
12/6/07: OWN to discuss election, overlay, 2035 forecast
12/27/07: OWN to fill 4 board positions at meeting Jan. 10 at cop substation

1/18/07: The quiet comeback: Westside man hangs in there, 6 years after hit-and-run driver left him for dead
2/8/07: Hilty receives honorary UCCS degree
3/29/07: Volunteer heading for India in hopes of saving mothers' lives
4/5/07: Co-founder of Village Inn reaches century mark
4/19/07: Coast to coast
4/19/07: VanDerWege celebrates ride by... riding some more
4/26/07: Westside couple celebrates 50th year in their house
5/17/07: Memories of a Van Briggle master potter

2/1/07: 1st Stop robbed; window-breakers busted
2/1/07: Police Car Seat Safety Fair Feb. 10
2/15/07: Police make arrest in Westside homicide
3/8/07: Gold Hill substation marks first year on the Westside
3/15/07: Recent grafitti problem citywide, police say
4/19/07: Sheriff pledges close watch on parolee
4/26/07: Follow-up (Sheriff pledges close watch on parolee)
5/3/07: Fire Station 3 gets drainage repair, gender-equal remodel
5/31/07: 10 years after: Fire Station 3 still protecting Westsiders
5/31/07: SVP roommates on Westside: 2nd 'predator' parolee moves into 3300 block
7/5/07: Copper thieves menace Westside and beyond
7/19/07: Former Champions site vandalized; is under contract
7/26/07: Police reorg ends homeless camp cleanups: City, county policies unchanged by transient shooting incident on Westside
8/2/07: Gold Hill commander says sweeps of transient camps will continue
8/9/07: 'Wildlands' specialty of historic Fire Station 5
9/6/07: Bitten cop shoots charging pit bull near Buena Vista
9/20/07: Code Enforcement plan would step up homeless-camp cleanups
9/27/07: SVPs on West Colorado Avenue are sent back behind bars
10/4/07: Incline Fire, set by transient, points up mountainside blaze danger
10/4/07: Police officer at Mesa Springs meeting
10/18/07: Christmas-season cop in Old Town
11/21/07: Police back on the weekend evening 'beat' in Old Town
11/29/07: Police officer gives tips to Mesa Springs
12/6/07: Soldier found dead on 16th Street
12/20/07: OCC Maintenance board asks for police helicopter return

3/15/07: Questioning the Mayor/City Council candidates: Responses from Coletta, J. Martin, Harold, Herpin, Timm
3/22/07: Questioning the Mayor/City Council candidates: Responses from Carpenter, D. Martin, Gallagher, Null, Purvis, Small
3/29/07: Questioning the city candidates: Response from mayoral hopeful Tony Tyler
3/29/07: Voting deadline: 7 p.m. April 3
4/5/07: 'Grassroots' Martin defies incumbent trend in election
11/21/07: Keith King to seek D-12 Senate seat

Post Office
2/15/07: So far, no refused postal deliveries on Westside
9/6/07: Public postal parking possible (again)
11/1/07: Local postal officials request public parking at West End station
12/6/07: Trailer removed from West End post office; no final word yet on public parking

7/5/07: Volunteer offer convinces Bestway to keep recycling bins outside Safeway

Red Rock Canyon
2/1/07: Red Rock '07 plans: Closer parking, picnic area, Bock house makeover, new trails
4/19/07: Dignitaries to attend Red Rock Arbor Day
5/3/07: Trail volunteer 'roundup'
5/17/07: Freeride Park opens at Red Rock: Volunteers build 18 stunts for trick-loving cyclists in Phase 1 of project
5/17/07: Red Rock volunteers complete Roundup Trail
5/24/07: If you find a Red Rock fossil...
5/24/07: 'Stories in the rocks:' Paleontologists find 300-million-year fossil span at Red Rock Canyon
5/31/07: Trail workday June 9 at Red Rock Canyon
6/14/07: A view from the Red Rock Rim Trail
6/28/07: Red Rock Friends start Bock house fundraising
7/12/07: Stories about Red Rock Canyon: City, Friends group hope to educate, gain ideas for interpretation
7/19/07: Red Rock Canyon geology, paleontology focus July 26
8/16/07: Presentation on American Indians Aug. 16
8/16/07: Red Rock climbing event
8/23/07: Red Rock wildlife, ecology Aug. 23
8/23/07: Tables are coming: Family Picnic Area opens this weekend at Red Rock Canyon Open Space
9/6/07: Nov. seen for Red Rock interpretive plan
9/27/07: City Parks sets workday for Red Rock trail
10/11/07: Red Rock Friends near goal in pavilion fund-raising
12/13/07: 'Holiday Hike' at Red Rock Canyon Dec. 18

2/1/07: Progress plagued by pervasive potholes
2/15/07: The day when one more bridge was closed
5/24/07: Street work planned on Chestnut, 30th
5/31/07: Camp Creek bridge work nearly complete
8/16/07: Moreno hill to get 1st sidewalk segment
8/23/07: Too much of a good thing? First overlay for Old Town lots in 27 years
8/23/07: Too much of a good thing? Scope escalates on Colorado Ave. paving
8/30/07: Westside paving jobs start; meeting set Sept. 5
9/6/07: Old Town paving to straddle weekend(s): Crews working on Colorado Avenue could finish to 24th Street by Sept. 10
9/6/07: Colorado Avenue paving work stays on schedule
9/20/07: Avenue paving project ends smoothly happily
10/4/07: Report: Westside bridges essentially solid
11/1/07: Ramp project at 21st and Kiowa
11/8/07: CDBG sidewalk/ramp project on Bott Avenue planned
12/6/07: 30th/Navigators work completed
12/13/07: City sees Moreno Avenue sidewalk need, shies at cost
12/13/07: Government helping out more with sidewalks

Rock Ledge Ranch
3/15/07: Docents sought to help at Rock Ledge Ranch
5/17/07: Orchard House to get interior restoration, thanks to grant, Folk Art fundraising
5/24/07: Rock Ledge Ranch to open June 2
5/31/07: Sheep-dog herding added at Rock Ledge
6/7/07: Opening day at the ranch
6/28/07: Rock Ledge to celebrate 4th
7/5/07: Eleanor Chambers' granddaughter visits Rock Ledge
7/12/07: Chuck Pyle at Rock Ledge July 14
7/12/07: Orchard House to celebrate 100th anniversary at Rock Ledge July 21
7/19/07: L&L players part of Orchard House anniversary
7/26/07: Festive birthday for ranch's Orchard House
7/26/07: Mitguards to play Rock Ledge Aug. 4
8/2/07: Indian dancers, art show at Rock Ledge Ranch
8/16/07: 1st Rock Ledge art exhibit 'great success'
8/16/07: 'Dr. Banjo' coming to Rock Ledge: Wernick's band tops bill for 'Fiddles' Aug. 25
8/23/07: Schedule provided for "Fiddles" Aug. 25 at Rock Ledge
8/30/07: Crank it up! Vintage baseball Sept. 3
8/30/07: 'Fantastic' Fiddles at Rock Ledge
9/6/07: Cloud Buster ballists sky-high after triumph
9/6/07: Folk Art Festival Sept. 14-16
9/13/07: The folk art scene
9/20/07: Known blacksmith at Rock Ledge
9/27/07: Rock Ledge Ranch Harvest Day Oct. 6
10/4/07: Traditional events at Rock Ledge Ranch
10/11/07: Education, entertainment, displays planned for First Nation's Day at Rock Ledge
10/18/07: Possible record crowd for First Nation's Day
10/25/07: Rock Ledge Ranch site to be used for global warming political rally
11/1/07: Follow-up/correction: Utilities won't participate in ranch rally
11/1/07: 'Puttin' Food By' Nov. 10 at Rock Ledge Ranch
12/6/07: Holiday Evenings at Rock Ledge Ranch Dec. 14-15
12/27/07: Season ends in style at Rock Ledge

Rural Transportation Authority
2/8/07: RTA maintenance work starting on 4 Westside bridges
6/14/07: City, RTA plan avenue overlay from Walnut to 31st Street later in year
10/18/07: First Westside RTA 'A-list' project set to start this fall

1/11/07: Meeting of Early College school
1/18/07: Free college in high school: CTU-based charter seeking motivationally challenged students
1/25/07: Snow-day downside: Longer school days
3/15/07: Reflections: 11 Holmes, Coronado medalists
3/22/07: 'Mom thought it was Sunday,' And other reasons for being late to school
3/22/07: PTA Reflections program helps 'shore up' public school art cuts
4/5/07: Full-day kindergarten welcomed at local elementaries
4/5/07: Junior Achievement of Southern Colorado relocates offices into Bijou Street Victorian
4/12/07: Early out mixed blessing for schools
5/3/07: Coronado music groups sweep Anaheim
5/3/07: Final days for 'open' Bristol, Washington
5/10/07: New D-11 study to look at schools' performance in addition to their utilization
5/17/07: Student promotions/graduations punctuate school year's finale
5/31/07: Early Colleges school has nearly 200 enrolees
6/14/07: Also summer upgrades at Jackson, Buena Vista
6/28/07: Using nature's ways: Geothermal systems at Holmes, Washington will take advantage of constant ground temperatures
8/9/07: 2 renovated schools to hold socials
8/9/07: District 11 schools start Aug. 16
8/16/07: 200 from Westside church help Holmes teachers move back in
11/1/07: Silver anniversary for Pleasant Valley Baptist Preschool
11/29/07: Westside schools set 22 holiday concerts Dec. 4-20
12/13/07: City enforcing snow-clearing law near schools
12/13/07: Midland, West schools improve to 'high' in '07 CSAP testing results; Holmes, Howbert both up their 'excellent' scores
12/20/07: Schools display the Christmas spirit
   Bijou School
5/17/07: Boquist recycling poster wins
5/24/07: Bijou grad already out on her own
5/24/07: Where I'm From by Britta Herrin
10/18/07: Bijou awaits its fate: Bond issue repairs pending District 11 decision that could relocate Westside alternative school
11/21/07: Thanksgiving tradition at Bijou School
   Bristol Elementary
4/19/07: Bristol plans to expand Suzuki program: Kindergarteners will get another chance with violins in 2007-08 school year
8/2/07: Bristol principal has reason to be cheerful
11/8/07: Fall carnival makes a comeback at Bristol
   Buena Vista Elementary
4/19/07: 'Art & Pie' feeds BV coffers
8/23/07: BV open house date moved to Sept. 20
9/27/07: Buena Vista hires permanent principal
10/18/07: 'Destiny' may have led Amick to Buena Vista
12/27/07: Singing for the season
   CSEC (Colorado Springs Early Colleges)
8/9/07: 320 enroll at new high school; starts Aug. 20
   Coronado High School
1/18/07: Coronado's 8th grade open house Jan. 23
2/1/07: Coronado swimmer breaks 29-year-old school record
2/15/07: CHS plans fifth annual Senior Citizens Ball
3/1/07: Coronado dances intergenerationally at 5th annual Senior Citizens' Ball
3/8/07: 7 Coronado musicians named All-State
3/15/07: 'Alice' this week at Coronado
3/22/07: State Reflections top-prize winner makes videos for fun
3/22/07: Warming up for Anaheim
4/5/07: PTA reception for school board at Coronado
5/10/07: National honor for Wyse's Reflections entry
5/17/07: Talbot, Bivin top scholars in CHS Class of 2007
6/7/07: Hard-hat summer underway at CHS
7/5/07: Reunion July 20-22 for Coronado High's Class of '87
8/2/07: Coronado students can 'go to school' on auditorium project
8/9/07: Coronado's '07 seniors' scholarships, honors listed
9/13/07: Coronado High parade Sept. 22
9/27/07: Cougar pride in full view on avenue
11/8/07: Coronado Student Council accelerates Drive Smart effort
11/21/07: Bummer! Weak walls delay CHS auditorium completion till summer
12/13/07: Roof, walls on Coronado High's old auditorium taken down in snowstorm
12/20/07: Follow-Up: CHS aud to open before '08-'09 year
   Holmes Middle School
2/15/07: 300 Colorado educators attend Holmes' Schools to Watch conference
2/15/07: A school worth watching
3/1/07: Holmes' geothermal project nearing
4/19/07: Drilling starts for Holmes' geothermal system
5/10/07: Holmes' 8th-grade event May 16
5/10/07: Holmes staff packing for early shutdown, summer-long project
8/30/07: Brenda LeBrasse, long-time Holmes principal, steps aside (part way) to take district job; Utter is acting head
   Howbert Elementary School
1/25/07: Howbert to host 'round-up' Jan. 30
4/26/07: Picture a Garden climb at Howbert
8/30/07: Limo for Howbert's advanced CSAP'ers
12/6/07: Singing for the season
   Ivywild Elementary School
8/30/07: Ivywild Elementary plans community fair Sept. 3
   Jackson Elementary School
1/11/07: 'Nutcracker' back on at Jackson
1/25/07: Still good in January
   Midland Elementary
3/8/07: Midland celebrates 50th year of the 'Cat'
4/12/07: And so the prince began his quest for an IB attitude
   Pike Elementary
5/10/07: 100: Pike hits peak in CSAP 3rd-grade reading scores
8/2/07: Students at another school cost Pike Elementary its '100'
   Washington Elementary
3/15/07: Plenty of holes in school's project plan: Washington project starts with playground drilling at spring break
11/15/07: Instrumental music gets private boost at Washington - now everyone can play
   West Middle School
1/11/07: SAIL info meeting at West
2/1/07: West sends gift package to art teacher/soldier
3/22/07: West students fund-raise for D-Day trip
4/5/07: CYCA middle school awards April 9
7/5/07: From East to West: District 11 moves quickly on replacement at middle school after former principal resigns
8/16/07: West art teacher back from Iraq
9/27/07: West's Weiner will work while weightless
10/25/07: Weiner: Surprises in weightless experiments
11/21/07: West-led fundraising effort to adopt mine-detection dog moves forward
11/29/07: Thrills, spills at West Science Fair
   Whittier Elementary
3/15/07: An afternoon of hoops at Whittier
11/15/07: Whittier staff leads volunteer installation

1/11/07: It's that kind of winter
2/22/07: Snow on Fontmore
7/5/07: Twister over Pikes Peak

Section 16
12/6/07: Grant boosts city's chances to buy Sec. 16

Silver Key
5/17/07: PPAAA head moving to Silver Key
8/2/07: New Silver Key leader seeks to restore Kraushaar legacy
9/6/07: Silver Key open house to feature Decker, Kraushaar: Public invited to Sept. 14 event
9/20/07: Silver Key hosts 100 at open house; plaque, kind words for ailing Kraushaar
10/25/07: Shaffer named Silver Key CEO
11/21/07: Silver Key 'in desperate need of volunteers' during holidays
12/13/07: A Mikki Kraushaar Christmas memory
12/13/07: Silver Key needs volunteer drivers

Space Foundation
2/8/07: New mission artifacts at Space Foundation

St. Patrick's Day Parade
3/8/07: Despite informal boycott by some Westsiders, Downtown parade entries reach limit
3/8/07: Those were the days (what days?) - the hazy origins of Old Town's St. Patrick's Day Parade
3/15/07: Follow-up: Speer stakes St. Pat's Parade claim

Territory Days
5/17/07: Territory Days to get (more) historic: Civil War camp, fast draw competition, Buffalo Soldiers ceremony added this year
5/24/07: Residents can pick up parking signs from city
5/24/07: Territory Days: All you need to know
5/24/07: Territory Days in Old Town May 26-28
5/31/07: Crowd enjoys first-ever Fast Draw event
5/31/07: Sun shines on Territory Days: Crowd estimated at 120,000 for 3-day festival
6/14/07: T-Days went well, but Heimlicher says 'debrief' won't hurt
8/9/07: Territory Days meeting Aug. 16 at Gold Hill station
8/23/07: Alcohol at Territory Days may get city look
10/4/07: City Parks report finds no major problems with Territory Days, refers alcohol question to Special Events Committee

Traffic Calming
1/25/07: Accident breaks 'calm' on Broadway Street
7/12/07: 17th Street first on new traffic-calming list; Broadway fourth
10/18/07: 17th Street calming work awaits survey

Trails and Open Space
1/25/07: Cross-country bicycle ride to raise open space funds
7/26/07: Interim Midland Trail extension will use city streets from 21st to 25th
8/9/07: Trails Coalition holds 12th gala
8/16/07: New city effort to purchase Section 16

4/5/07: Design changes mulled at Centennial-Fillmore, 21st and 26th at Cimarron: City hopes to alleviate recent accident problems
4/12/07: Petition to city resulting in safer crossing for Uintah's 2600 block
4/26/07: Are days numbered for stoplight at Bott and 21st? Van Briggle ready to 'go to the mat' to keep it
8/30/07: Chief joins Acorn, 1st Stop in offering E85 on Westside
11/8/07: East-West traffic moving OK
11/21/07: Comments sought for Non-Motorized Plan
11/29/07: Price for a bus ride to go up in '08
12/6/07: Pizza with PPACG: Staffers would also like to hear how you want to travel around the region for the next 30 years
12/13/07: Eating up the miles
12/20/07: Chestnut 'island' gets plenty of traffic visitors
12/20/07: Mountain Metro sets holiday schedule

1/18/07: First stormwater bills in mid-February
2/8/07: City seeks public input at community water meeting
2/8/07: Two City Utilities projects around 21st and Hwy 24
2/15/07: Utilities seeks citizen help in Westside meeting
2/22/07: Report gives percentages favoring renewables
2/22/07: Sure, increase my utility bill... As long as the money goes for renewable energy, survey respondents say
3/15/07: Meetings on electric plan March 22 & 29
3/22/07: Utilities cancels 2 EIRP meetings
4/5/07: New EIRP dates; site to be Young Service Center
4/26/07: Sewer work scheduled in 2 Westside locations
6/7/07: Sewer work on 16th Street
8/23/07: Utilities asks public's help in fighting copper thefts
9/13/07: Project replacing faulty sewer line along Platte
9/27/07: Solar home tour offered by Springs Utilities
10/25/07: Pikes Peak Ave. in gas regulator project
10/25/07: Water line break
12/20/07: Utilities work closes Kiowa's 3300 block

2/8/07: $206,000 Douglas Creek sewer project nearly done: Crossing upgrade one of 60 by City Utilities in 2006
6/7/07: Out for a family swim
8/16/07: Drainage 'backlog' still leaves out Douglas Creek, Despite concrete failing, other issues
11/8/07: Study seeks Fountain Creek pathogen sources in response to quality violation, but health risk isn't believed to be higher
12/6/07: Follow-up: Douglas Creek channel scrutinized

West Center
1/25/07: West Intergenerational Center publishes winter/spring brochure
2/8/07: West Center offers Newcomers' Orientation Feb. 12
3/22/07: Starting somewhere: Teens can check out their employment chances at West's Teen Job Fair March 30
5/17/07: 33 D-11 summer classes offered at West Center
9/6/07: West Center brochure lists schedule for fall
9/27/07: West Center tries Multi-Cultural Intergeneration Day
10/11/07: Intergeneration Day
12/6/07: Fees to rise again for four West Center programs in '08