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February 10, 2005                  Your weekly news source for the Colorado Springs Westside -- Online Edition                   Volume 2, Number 5

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Library future goes before public Feb. 15

From bugs to bears

Red Rock development leader steps down

Jackson Elementary art teacher discovers benefits in volunteering

EDITOR'S DESK: Thank you, Terry Putman

What Do You Do? Mike Anderson

COBWEB CORNERS: The early days of moving pictures

Letters: from Susan Cormier and Kent Obee

Midland Trail may be built to 31st Street this year

125 from Westside may play at All-City

Good news on ceiling problem

Cracksealing crews to be busy on Westside

Air Force conquers Midland

Humane Society offers discount certificates for Spay Day Feb. 22

Possible trolley replacements?

Council approves office expansion/remodel in avenue's 1000 block

Dinner, show at Peak Ballet Theatre fund raiser

Merrifield to meet citizens Feb. 12

I-25 widening impact: Drive-In Liquors buys out Charlie's, is relocating there

Phase 2 of Ute Pass Trail to follow Hwy 24; eventual Intemann link seen

5 citizen committee selections, transit resolution on RTA board's agenda Feb. 14; Clark now a member

Biz Buzz: 'Aunt Dimity' signing; Restaurant reopening; Victorian talk

Hoofin' the way it used to be

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Old Town March 12; participant hopefuls can sign up till March 1

Lions Club to give flags to 1st-graders

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