Cracksealing crews to be busy on Westside
The City of Colorado Springs' Street Division is scheduled to be filling cracks in roadways (the “crackseal” program) on four
Westside streets during the week of Feb. 14-18.
The announced locations are: - Holland Park Boulevard, from Chestnut Street to Vondelpark Drive - Chestnut Street, from Fillmore Street to Fontanero Street. - Cucharras Street, from 180 feet west of 28th Street to Walnut Street. - Colorado Avenue, from 31st street to Cascade Avenue (initially planned in January; delayed by weather). Crews work from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Crews that are cracksealing may close off a lane of traffic about 100 yards on either side of the area they are working in. For more information, call the Street Division at 385-5934. From a press release |