‘A pleasure to read’
I am a New Englander visiting relatives in the Westside and picked up the Jan. 27 edition of the Pioneer. Your newspaper was a pleasure to read, with a colorful, attractive layout and well-written pieces on matters of local interest – a newspaper to be modeled by other smaller communities. Thank you. Susan Cormier Feeding Hills, MA |
Last-days joy for Shaw’s daughter
What a thoroughly nice story (“Shaw recalled as 'bigger than life,'” in the Jan. 27 Westside Pioneer). We very much enjoyed it and are glad you enjoyed doing it. This afternoon I took the copy you kindly sent us over to the nursing home to show to my mother. When we got to the picture of her doing the varsouvianna, her face lit up and she let out a very pleased “Oh!” One of the nurses came over to see what was going on. Pretty soon the entire nursing staff was crowded around. “Wow! Look at Doli!” It was a special moment. Thanks and best wishes. Kent Obee Editor’s note: The letter above was sent to the Pioneer Jan. 28. Obee’s mother, Doli Obee, died Feb. 6. She was the daughter of Lloyd “Pappy” Shaw, former Cheyenne Mountain School District superintendent and a national authority on dance. The picture mentioned in the letter was taken from Shaw’s widely published 1939 book, “Cowboy Dances,” in which Mrs. Obee had demonstrated various steps. Services for Mrs. Obee will be Friday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. at the Chapel of our Saviour in the Broadmoor area. Her husband, Donald, survives her. |