Biz buzz:
‘Aunt Dimity’ signing; Restaurant reopening; Victorian talk
Nancy Atherton, author of the “Aunt Dimity” mystery series, will sign copies of her latest book Saturday, Feb. 19 from noon to
2 p.m. at the Book Sleuth, 2501 W. Colorado Ave., Suite 105.
The title is “Aunt Dimity and the Next of Kin,” which is the 10th book in the series by Atherton, who lives in northern Colorado Springs. In the books, the late Aunt Dimity provides ghostly guidance in solving crimes. The event is free and open to the public. Mountain Shadows restaurant announced that it has reopened under its original ownership (Ray, Andrea, Kasie and Jim). The business at 2223 W. Colorado Ave. is open every day but Tuesday. The phone is 633-2122. A presentation / demonstration titled “Fashion and Understructure in the Victorian Era and Beyond” will be given at Adobe Walls Antique Mall & Trading Post, 2808 West Colorado Ave., Saturday, Feb. 19 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Denise Winter of Denise Nadine Design will provide details on the fashions of those times, such as how fashion looks were created using corsets, bustles and crinolines. A fee of $5 is being charged to cover the cost of the presentor. Do you have any news about your business? Call the Westside Pioneer at 471-6776. |