Sewer repairs in 10 Westside locations are tentatively scheduled to start the week of Dec. 18. Crews will use a modern
technology in which trenches are not dug, just openings as needed to allow new structural liner to be injected within existing
sewer pipe.
As a result, according to Colorado Springs Utilities spokesperson Gail Conners, each area of work must be completed in one
continuous session of 18 to 24 hours. During that time frame, when the liner is installed, customers will be cut off from service.
Once the liner hardens, service will be restored.
The area includes the following locations:
- An easement slightly west of Interstate 25, north of Cimmaron Street and east of Chestnut Street.
- Walnut Street, on either side of Colorado Ave., crossing Colorado Avenue.
- An easement from Chestnut Street and Vermijo Avenue, that runs approximately 350 feet east.
- One short segment within an easement that lies slightly east of S. 7th St. and north of W. Colorado Ave.
- One short segment on the north side of Highway 24, between S. 14th St., and S. 15th St.
- One short segment within S. 24th St., near the intersection of W. Colorado Ave.
- Within the easement of W. Vermijo Ave., between S. 24th St. and S. 23rd St.
- On the north side of Highway 24, near the intersection of S. 21 St. for approximately 719 feet. (Dec. 20)
- One segment on the north side of Highway 24 that lies west of S. 31st St. and south of the Safeway grocery store.
- One short segment located within W. Colorado Ave, just west of the intersection of W. Colorado Ave. and S. 31st St.
The contractor will be Insituform Technologies. The lines are 10 inches or wider. Similar work on a smaller line by a different
contractor occurred last week near Highway 24 and 21st Street, Connors said.
For more information, call 448-4800.
Westside Pioneer article