B&B tour: $1,100 for OCCHS

       Despite cold and snow, the 11th annual Victorian Bed & Breakfast Holiday Tour went “very well” Dec. 4, according to Bev Disch, board president for the Old Colorado City Historical Society (OCCHS).
       With the tallies from the nine participating B&Bs still being finalized she estimated that the tickets sold for the tour raised more than $1,100. All proceeds go to OCCHS.
       Disch was also pleased at the exposure the event gave to the History Center that the society runs at 1 S. 24th St. The center was one of the stops on the tour, and people took advantage of it to browse the exhibits and enjoy cof fee and cookies between B&B visits, she said.
       In all, “we were very pleased with the coutcome and glad to have so much traffic in our building,” Disch said.
       At the Holden House, one of the two Westside B&Bs on the tour, innkeeper Sallie Clark said there were about 80 visitors. “The guests coming through were very complimentary and enjoyed participating,” she said.
       Making the tour even more “eventful,” as Clark put it, the Holden House, at 1102 W. Pikes Peak Ave., was without water pressure most of the day because of a line break the night before.

Westside Pioneer article