Merrifield gains national appointment
District 18 State Rep. Michael Merrifield has been named vice-chair of the National Conference of State Legislatures' (NCSL)
standing committee on Education, Labor, and Workforce Development for 2005-2006. Illinois Senator and NCSL President
Steve Rauschen-berger announced the appointment.
“I am honored to represent the interests of the state legislatures in the continuing de-bate over the chang-ing state-federal relationship,” Merri-field said. Rau-schenberger said he looks forward to Merrifield's “valuable contributions to state public policy.” The Education, Labor, and Workforce Develop-ment Committee is one of 15 standing committees of the NCSL. The standing committees are responsible for developing policies that guide NCSL's activities on Capitol Hill and within the administration. The NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves the legislators and staffs of states, commonwealths, and territories. Merrifield's district includes Manitou Springs and parts of the Westside and downtown area. A Democrat, he was first elected in 2002 and re-elected last year. From a press release |