Francese becoming a Pike ‘rascal’ at Pioneers Museum
Diana Francese, previously the docent chair for Rock Ledge Ranch, recently became part of the “damned rascals” volunteer
group formed by the Pioneers Museum in honor of the upcoming Zebulon Pike bicentennial.
“It's pretty exciting,” said Francese, who had been with the ranch for six years. “The name comes from what Pike called the 16 enlisted men who were with him.” She said he used the name in a “kindly way,” even though such men were from “the dregs of society.” Francese is among 40 who are in training to talk about Pike, his expedition in this area and his attempted climb of Pikes Peak in 1806. The “rascals” will give presentations to visitors to the museum and will also go out to talk to various groups, she said. Westside Pioneer article |