Pikes Peak Camera Club celebrates 75th

       The Pikes Peak Camera Club, which meets at the Living Springs Worship Center, 604 Manitou Blvd., marks its 75th year of existence this year.
       It is believed to be the oldest camera club in Colorado, according to member T.W. Woodruff.
       The volunteer group promotes photography in the region. Many club members are published photographers and writers. Activities include field trips, volunteer education, competitions, photography for worthy causes (such as the “Pikes Peak Challenge”) and guest speakers.
       The current president is William Stewart, a long-time member who also was president in 1986-88 and 1996.
       For more information about the Pikes Peak Camera Club, call Woodruff at 685-4850 or e-mail twwphotos@yahoo.com.

From a press release