Stoplight urged at Ridge & Hwy 24
I would like to encourage everyone to ask that a stop light be put up at the Ridge Road/High Street intersection on Highway 24. My elderly mother, Ruby Bennett, was involved in an accident there Nov. 20. She was hit by a semi who was eastbound. She had just turned from High onto eastbound 24. The truck driver stated that he had just looked down “for a moment” and when he looked up, he was bearing down on her compact car and was unable to avoid hitting her. She is very lucky to be alive. This accident was yet another of the fatal/potentially fatal accidents that have happened at this intersection. Improvements cannot wait while the state contemplates overall changes to the corridor. Please don't let any more people be needlessly hurt. There must be an interim measure to protect the people who live west of 24 on High Street. They don't have any choice but to use this treacherous intersection. Something really has to be done and we can't wait 10 years. Please contact: http://www.dot.state.co.us/ US24W/ contacts.cfm. Alicia Griggs Thanks to Spirit Award supporters On the night of November 17, the Organization of Westside Neighbors (OWN) hosted the first annual Westside Spirit Awards to honor residents and businesses who have renovated, maintained and built new, in order to enhance our neighborhood. I want to pass on my personal thanks for your support of the Spirit Awards. Without the assistance of the Westside Pioneer, the success of this event would not have been possible. Your enthusiasm for reporting, not only the news, but the positive happenings in our neighborhood, is evidence of our local Westside spirit. My special thanks go to Colorado Springs City Council members Jerry Heimlicher, Randy Purvis and Scott Hente; and Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO) President Jan Doran, who each volunteered their time as judges. In addition, the evening's participation of council members Tom Gallagher and Randy Purvis and CONO President Jan Doran in presenting the awards, contributed to the success and was greatly appreciated. The OWN Board is also to be thanked for agreeing to host and support this neighborhood event. The attendance of approximately 50 neighbors demonstrates our true Westside area spirit. My congratulations to all of the nominees for their hard work in making the Westside the “best” side. I look forward to participating in the second annual Westside Spirit Awards in 2006! Sallie Clark El Paso County Commissioner, District 3 |