Westside schools: Whittier planning craft fair Nov. 19; preschoolers flock to Buena Vista

       Whittier Elementary is planning to hold a craft fair in the school gym Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
       Principal Marlys Berg said she hopes to have about 25 crafters for the show, with the goal of raising money for teachers to buy classrom materials. “A PTO parent has wanted to do this for a long time,” she said. “We agreed to give it a try. We are asking crafters to pay $25 for a space and they keep all the money that they make.”
       The school is getting help in lining up crafters from JEI, a small local company that organizes craft fairs in Bancroft Park in the summertime. “We need to help our schools,” said Helen Glass of JEI. “We try to help anytime we can.”
       Buena Vista Elementary has gotten a strong response since it started accepting signups Nov. 1 for 2006-7 preschool classes. Principal Brenda Smith said that within less than a week applications had come in for 50 children.
       The school has 2 ½ preschool classes this year. Smith said she hopes to find funding to add another half-day so there will be three total next year. Each class can handle about 25 students.
       Although the free classes - taught in the Montessori discipline - are open to anyone, in or out of the attendance area, Buena Vista families get priority, according to the principal. “It's the community school,” she explained.

Westside Pioneer article/press releases