Biz buzz:
Goodwill doll sale Nov. 11-12

       Goodwill Industries, whose city headquarters are on the Westside, will hold one of its thrice-a-year doll sales Friday and Saturday, Nov. 11-12. The location will be 2340F Montebello Square Drive on the eastside of Colorado Springs. A total of 10,000 items, including Barbies, collectibles and doll accessories, will be on sale. For more information, call 635-4483.
       In other Goodwill news, the non-profit agency raised $140,000 at its annual Enchanted Evening in September. The evening, a social event held at a Kissing Camels home, was attended by 220 people. The money was raised through silent and non-silent auction items, including a New York trip with airfare, two Broadway shows, hotel accommodations and a bottle of 1982 Mouton Rothschild. In a charity effort for Silver Key Senior Services, Pine Needle Gifts will hold a warehouse inventory reduction sale Nov. 12-20. Items will include home décor, fashion jewelry, collectable figurines and holiday decorations. The warehouse is at 2506 Robinson St. The phone is 685-5041. Silver Key is a non-profit agency providing services for the elderly.
       The Community Partnership for Child Development (CPCD) has enhanced its Adopt-A-Family program to allow donors to view families' personal stories on-line. Donors can help out families by purchasing utility vouchers, car seats, holiday food baskets or donations.
       The program started Nov. 1. For more information, call CPCD at 635-1536 or go to and click on the Adopt-A-Family link.
       CPCD, which runs the area Head Start programs, is located at 2330 Robinson St.
       Westside bed-and-breakfast owners Sallie and Welling Clark are coordinating the 19th annual B&B Conference in Cripple Creek Nov. 13-14, titled “Stacking the Odds for Success.”
       Geared for aspiring innkeepers, the event is sponsored by the Bed & Breakfast Innkeepers of Colorado Association, which the Clarks founded.
       For more information, call the Clarks' Holden House B&B at 471-3980.
       Long-time drummer Paul Johnson invites the public to an open house for his Drum Academy USA, 25 N. Spruce St., Saturday, Suite 307, Saturday, Nov. 12, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Johnson offers various types of drumming classes. The phone is 597-0522.
       Bona Dea Teahouse & Emporium is a new business at 1824 W. Colorado Ave.
       Owner Lari Jean Trogani offers 130 different teas from a variety of countries. Part of the experience involves drinking tea while sitting at a table inspired by the country it came from.
       Hours are Tuesday through Saturday. Private tea parties can be arranged by appointment.
       The phone is 473-8322.
       Jun Sushi and Grill, owned by Jun Aizu and Mieko Wolfe, opened in October in the Grandview Marketplace shopping center at Centennial Boulevard and Fillmore Street. Specializing in Japanese food, the restaurant is open daily. The phone is 227-8690.

Do you have any news about your business? Call the Westside Pioneer at 471-6776.