Westside kids welcomed to Old Town for Halloween
For Lori and Judy Kasten, Halloween is not just about candy.
True, every year on Oct. 31 they coordinate the effort in which Old Colorado City merchants hand out more than 1,000 sweets to neighborhood children… and last year when the candy ran out they went out and got more. The annual giveaway is also not about marketing Old Town. Although the Old Colorado City Associates (OCCA) merchants group provides funding for much of the candy, OCCA does not publicize it because of its lack of profit and concerns about overloading the commercial district with too many trick-or-treaters. What the Kastens say they enjoy is the spirit of the event - seeing Colorado Avenue fill up with costumed urchins and the pleasure the kids get from the experience. “It's about giving back to the community,” said Lori, Judy's daughter. She compared it with the OCCA's Easter Egg Hunt in the springtime. That's another event (also involving candy) which is intended solely for Westsiders, as a kind of outreach to those who live nearby. “Imagine the joy of a 4-year-old Darth Vader when you hand him a pencil,” enthused Judy Kasten. This year's Hallween Safe Treats will be from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31. It will be followed by the also-annual costume contest at Meadow Muffins, 2432 W. Colorado Ave. There are four age groups between 0 and 13 years old, plus a category for parents. To help out the merchants, the Kastens are bringing in the Widefield High debating team, whose members will spread out through the commercial district to hand out candy on the avenue. Westside Pioneer article |