EDITOR’S DESK: On cowboys and elections
![]() Oh yes, the election Nov. 1. I'm never really comfortable advising people how to vote, but I've got to admit finding myself wondering how big a committee it took to write up Referenda C and D. The article starting on Page 3 reflects that sort of loopiness. The Cimarron interchange will be funded by D - as long as you know that when D refers to "strategic transportation projects" you should be looking at an appendix (not referenced in the ballot question's text), and that where the appendix says "reconstruction of interchanges" for El Paso County, the intent is to include the Cimarron interchange as one of them. Why couldn't the Committee That Writes Such Things have just made up a point-blank list of needed projects or programs - for roads, schools, health care, what have you, like District 11 did for ballot item 3B - and tried to sell that? Or are other politics at work? Modern life can get so confusing and... Hey, Chet, you got another horse? - K.J. |