D-11: The difference a year makes Costs up, tax expense down in 2nd election try to OK $131.7M in bond spending

       The bad news for the School District 11 bond-issue request is that $131.7 million won't buy as much now as it would have a year ago. The good news is that individual property owners probably will pay less for the bond issue if ballot question 3B passes in the election Tuesday, Nov. 1.
       Glenn Gustafson, District 11's chief financial officer and a graduate of the district's Doherty High School, explained these anomalies at a meeting of the Garden of the Gods Rotary Club last week.
       Voters last year approved a ballot question containing the list of projects and the district's plan to pay for them with a bond issue. However, they rejected a separate ballot question that would have approved excluding the bonds from the district's mill- levy cap. The district needs this approval so they can tax people for the costs. That's the question that's back this year.
       According to District 11's pre-election advertising, a family owning a house valued at $150,000 would pay about $4 per month on the bond issue. However, Gustafson explained after his Rotary talk, that was an attempt to “err on the conservative side.” Because property values have been increasing, that amount is likely to drop down to about $2 a month, he said.
       The plan technically covers $131.7 million - although bond-issue expenditures totaling about $4 million (among them $365,000 at four Westside schools) were earmarked last summer using available district money. But Gustafson said that for legal reasons, as well as the need to pay off all debt at the best rate possible, the issue still states the total at the original $131.7 million.
       What the district will find challenging is the inflated cost of all the projects. Lumber alone is up 50 percent from a year ago, Gustafson said, adding, “Every day we're losing ground to inflation.”
       The probability, elaborated Mike Maloney, director of District 11 facilities, is that bond-issue money that was to be set aside as discretionary for each school will instead be used to make up the monetary difference.
       Overall, the bond issue is an attempt to catch up on building needs - ranging from new schools in the northeast and southeast parts of the district to a laundry list of upgrades at every school.
       Looking to the future, Gustafson told the Rotarians, his office is developing a “plan to reinvest in buildings” on a continuing basis so that such a catch-up bond issue won't be needed. “The problem is there's a 30-year backlog we're trying to catch up on,” he said.
       On the Westside, needs include roofs, heating systems, windows, doors and chalkboards that maintenance crews have nursed along, well past their service lives. Fire safety is a concern for Bristol (see adjoining story). The list also includes air conditioning at five schools (Bristol, Jackson, Midland and Washington elementaries and Holmes Middle School.)
       A full list of bond-issue items for Westside schools appears below.
       BRISTOL (1971)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500; replace TVSS (transient-voltage surge suppressor) devices, which will be beyond their rated life in five years, $6,000.
       HVAC (Heating, ventilation and, where applicable, air conditioning): Replace obsolete 3500 (direct digital control) DDC controller, $68,000; replace residential recirculating fan in kitchen, $30,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace carpet (beyond rated life), $103,00.
       Capital Renewal subtotal, $214,500.
       Capital Improvements
       Add Air conditioning to support summer programs, $297,000.
       Open School Modifications: Enclose open classrooms & add corridors, $340,000.
       School-choice projects, $51,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $688,000.
       Bristol total: $902,500
       BUENA VISTA (1911)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace branch wiring because of age and material type, $10,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500; replace TVSS, which are approaching the end of their rated life, $3,000.
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (44 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $12,000; replace 93-year-old window system (which is beyond rated life of 40 years), $125,000.
       HVAC system: Replace obsolete 3500 DDC controller, $40,000.
       Install kitchen hood, $30,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace countertops and cabinets (3), which are beyond rated life and are failing, $4,600, $70,000 and $40,000; replace hardware (2) because of age, maintenance problems and conforming issues, $26,000 and $6,000.
       Plumbing system: External 93-year-old sanitary sewers (2), which are showing signs of failure, $25,000 and $25,000.
       Roofing (beyond rated life, and system in poor condition), $10,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $441,600.
       Capital Improvements
       Security Fencing: add chain link fencing for safety / security, $27,000.
       School-choice projects, $82,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $109,000 .
       Buena Vista total: $550,600
       HOWBERT (1959)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace branch wiring because of age and material type, $10,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500; replace TVSS, which will be beyond their rated life in five years, $3,000.
       Fire / Security system: Replace antiquated, non-conforming fire alarm system with an addressable-type system, $40,000.
       HVAC system: Replace obsolete 3500 DDC controller, $30,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace 45-year-old countertops and cabinets (3), which are beyond rated life and are failing, $80,000.
       Plumbing system: Replace various plumbing fixtures due to age and safety concerns, $15,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $175,500.
       Capital Improvements
       School-choice projects, $50,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $50,000.
       HOWBERT TOTAL: $225,500
       IVYWILD (1917)
       Capital Renewal
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (87 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $6,000; replace 87-year-old windows system (which is beyond rated life of 40 years), $200,000.
       HVAC system: Replace obsolete 3500 DDC controller, $30,000.
       Install kitchen hood: $30,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace carpet, which is four years beyond rated life, $162,000; replace slate old chalkboards, which are difficult to clean, $7,000.
       Replace countertops and cabinets, which are 67 years beyond rated life and are failing, $83,000; replace hardware because of age, maintenance problems and conformance issues, $30,000.
       Plumbing system: Sanitary sewer, which is made of vitrified clay material, 47 years beyond rated life and starting to fail, $75,000
       Site / Playground repairs: Fix damage to the front stairs, $58,500.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $681,500.
       Capital Improvements
       School-choice projects, $64,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $64,000.
       Ivywild total: $745,500
       JACKSON (1965)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace branch wiring because of age and material type, $40,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $5,000; replace TVSS, which will be beyond their rated life in five years, $3,000.
       Fire / Security system: Replace duct detectors because of poor condition, causing many trouble calls, $3,500
       HVAC system: Replace inefficient HVAC components, which are 13 years beyond rated life, $66,000.
       Install kitchen hood, $30,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace carpet, which is one year beyond rated life, $93,000; replace ceiling tiles, as needed because the glue on the back of the ceiling tiles, 18 years beyond their rated life, has dried out, causing the tiles to fall, $100,000; replace old chalkboards, which are difficult to write on, $10,000; replace hardware because of age, maintenance problems and conformance issues, $30,000.
       Site / Playground repairs: Lay new asphalt on 18,333 square feet of playground, $10,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $397,500.
       Capital Improvements
       Add Air conditioning to support summer programs, $226,000.
       Parking / Traffic Improvements: Develop off street parking / student drop-off improvements, $165,000.
       School-choice projects, $49,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $440,000.
       Jackson total: $837,500
       MIDLAND (1956)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace breakers and fuses because some are 13 years beyond current rated life and not readily replaceable, $40,000; replace intercom system, which is 14 years beyond rated life and does not function very well, $22,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500.
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (48 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $50,000; paint exterior - some wood is showing, there are signs of decay, and the paint is peeling in some areas.
       $35,000; replace ramps (rotten and warped) with non-skid type, $3,000
       Fire / Security system repair / replace: Replace antiquated, non-conforming fire alarm system with an addressable-type system, $37,000.
       HVAC system: Replace inefficient HVAC components, $57,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace chalk boards - 36 years beyond rated life and becoming non-readable, $10,000; replace hardware because of age, maintenance problems and conformance issues, $36,000; replace keying system - 28 years beyond service life and getting difficult to maintain, $6,000.
       Plumbing system repair / replace: Replace sanitary sewer system because of old piping, bad material and many stop- ups, $25,000.
       Site / Playground repairs: Lay new asphalt in various area, $32,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $360,500.
       Capital Improvements
       Add Air conditioning to support summer programs, $616,000; add wall (divide room), $27,000.
       Add/ replace portables for 175 students, $500,000.
       School-choice projects, $41,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $1,184,000.
       Midland totAL: $1,544,500
       PIKE (1956)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace intercom system, which is 14 years beyond rated life and does not function very well, $22,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500; Install new sub-panels, as large 48-year-old frame breakers are not replaceable, $40,000.
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (48 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $60,000; replace 48-year-old window system (which is beyond rated life of 40 years), $175,000.
       Fire / Security system repair / replace: Replace antiquated, non-conforming fire alarm system with an addressable-type system, $37,000.
       HVAC system: Replace boiler, which is 23 years past its 25-year service life, with a two-boiler system, $80,000; replace HVAC piping, which is 28 years past 20-year service life and in a failing condition, $100,000; Replace obsolete 3500 DDC controller, $50,000; replace failing rooftop unit, $35,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $606,500.
       Capital Improvements
       School-choice projects, $49,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $49,000.
       Pike total: $655,500
       WASHINGTON (1956)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system repair / replace: Replace intercom system, which is 17 years beyond rated life and does not function very well, $22,000 intercom; replace main distribution panel (MDP), which is 28 years past its 20-year service life, and its breakers, which are old and not replaceable, $50,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500.
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (48 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $50,000; replace 48-year-old exterior windows and frames and glaze windows, $100,000
       HVAC system: Replace boiler, which is 23 years past its 25-year service life, with a two-boiler system, $80,000; replace HVAC components which are inefficient and 23 years beyond rated life, $66,000; replace kitchen's 48-year-old residential recirculating fan, $30,000.
       Site / Playground repairs: Replace asphalt where poor drainage conditions exist, $15,000; replace original (48-year- old) school playground equipment, which does not meet current guidelines and is a safety issue, $20,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $440,500.
       Capital Improvements
       Add Air conditioning to support summer programs, $840,000.
       Open School Modifications: Enclose open classrooms and add corridors, $310,000.
       School-choice projects, $50,000.
       School-choice projects, $50,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $1,200,000.
       Washington totAL: $1,640,500
       WHITTIER (1901)
       Capital Renewal
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (40 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $27,000; replace 51-year-old putty-glaze-type windows systems (2) (which are beyond rated life of 40 years), $26,500 and $148,000.
       HVAC system: Repair or replace inefficient components in various pieces of HVAC equipment that are obsolete, $76,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace carpet (beyond rated life), $42,000; replace 52-year-old chalkboards, which are failing. $35,000; replace hardware because of age, maintenance problems and conformance issues, $36,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $390,500.
       Capital Improvements
       School-choice projects, $68,000
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $68,000.
       Whittier total: $458,500
       BIJOU (1959)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace MDP because of poor design and National Electric Code (NEC) issues with installation, $8,000; replace aged electrical devices (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $7,500.
       HVAC system: Replace furnaces #1 and #2, each of which is 25 years beyond rated life and failing. $3,000 and $3,000; replace obsolete 3500 DDC controller, $25,000; install kitchen hood, $30,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace old chalkboards, which are difficult to write on, $3,000; Replace doors, which are 45 years old and made of wood, with metal doors, $15,000 doors; replace hardware because of age, maintenance problems and conformance issues, $25,000.
       Replace portable buildings (4), each of which is beyond its rated service life. $90,000 for each.
       Replace roofing systems (3), each of which is beyond its rated life and/or has issues with blisters, worn felts or shingles, $4,800, $25,000 and $25,000.
       Site / Playground: Repair asphalt due to old age to include the basketball court, $20,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $554,300.
       Capital Improvements
       Add small auditorium to provide modular meeting space, $100,000.
       School-choice projects, $55,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $155,000
       Bijou total: $709,300
       HOLMES (1968)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace intercom system, which is 11 years beyond rated life and does not function very well, $30,000; replace aged electrical devices (3) (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $3,000, $7,500 and $15,000.
       Fire / Security system: Replace library alarm devices, which are 12 years beyond their rated life, $20,000.
       HVAC system: Replace entire HVAC system (new when the school was built in 1968), which is 11 years beyond its 25- year rated life and in a failing condition, $1,186,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace carpet (beyond rated life). $120,000; replace old chalkboards, which are difficult to write on, $16,000; replace lockers, which are 16 years beyond their serviced life and in various states of disrepair, $76,000 Replace athletic lockers, which which are 16 years beyond their service life, $150,000; replace original windows system, $40,000.
       Replace roofing systems (4), each of which is 16 years beyond its 20-year rated life and has failed or has blisters, felts or loose shingles, $90,000, $140,000, $20,000 and $80,000.
       Site / Playground repairs: Seal-coat asphalt system to prevent permanant damage, $17,500.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $2,011,000.
       Capital Improvements
       Add Air conditioning to support summer programs, $1,550,000.
       School-choice projects, $111,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $1,661,000
       Holmes total: $3,672,000
       WEST (1923)
       Capital Renewal
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are old (81 years) and made of wood, with metal doors, $15,000
       Fire / Security system: Replace library alarm devices, which are 12 years beyond their rated life, $20,000; replace old pull stations with addressable devices, $8,000; replace smoke detectors with addressable devices, $3,000.
       HVAC system: Repair or replace inefficient components in various pieces of 81-year-old HVAC equipment that are obsolete, $198,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace old chalkboards, which are becoming non-readable, $16,000; replace 35-year-old lockers, $41,000.0
       Site / Playground repairs: Fix concrete, where old age and tree roots have caused cracking and uneven areas, $25,000; landscape and resod in various areas, $60,000.
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $386,000.
       Capital Improvements
       School-choice projects, $161,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $161,000.
       West total: $547,000
       CORONADO (1970)
       Capital Renewal
       Electrical system: Replace 34-year-old auditorium sound system. $40,000 intercom; replace 34-year-old auditorium lighting system (manufacturer no longer in business; many parts not available, $80,000; replace aged electrical devices (4) (work involves grounding repairs, circuit tracing/verification, new device covers and proper circuit id and labeling), $10,000, $15,000, $26,500, $8,000.
       Exterior Repairs/Ramps/Paint: Replace exterior doors, which are rusted and starting to fail, $15,000.
       Fire / Security system: Replace library alarm devices, which are 12 years beyond their rated life, $20,000.
       HVAC system: Replace boilers #1 and #2, each of which is 11 years beyond its service life and has a boiler tube failure. $100,000 for each; replace HVAC controls, which are non-conforming, poor functioning and 11 years beyond service life, $672,000.
       Interior repairs: Replace old chalkboards, which are difficult to write on, $35,000; replace lockers in the boys' locker room, which are 14 years beyond service date, $82,000.
       Plumbing system: Replace 34-year-old swimming pool's scum gutter drains and piping and rebuild the balancing tank, $52,000.
       Replace roofing system, which is approaching the end of its rated life, $35,000; replaces roofing systems (2), each of which is 14 years past its rated life. One has blisters, patches, worn felts, and bad flashing; the other has corrosion and some holes, $150,000 and $35,000
       Capital Renewal subtotal: $1,475,500.
       Capital Improvements
       Art Room Renovation, $225,000
       Build new auditorium to provide adequate seating capacity for school functions, $1,350,000.
       Science area renovation: Remodel of entire science area, including improved labs, replacement of outdate d and broken equipment, and chemistry ventilation, $901,000.
       School-choice projects, $256,000.
       Capital Improvements subtotal: $2,732,000.
       Coronado total: $4,207,500.

Westside Pioneer article