A reception for six Pikes Peak region authors is planned Sunday, Nov. 6 from 2 to 4 p.m at the Old Colorado City History
Center, 1 S. 24th St.
The authors and their recent works are:
- Nancy Atherton, “Aunt Dimity and the Deep Blue Sea” - a romantic mystery. She has written 11 books.
- Kathy Brandt, “Dangerous Depths” - a Caribbean mystery/adventure, her third book. She has taught writing at the
University of Colorado for 10 years.
- Leland Feitz, “Colorful Characters of Cripple Creek, Colorado” - historical vignettes of 47 people. He is former director
of the Cripple Creek District Museum
- Charles Rush, “The Devil's Chessboard” - Civil War intrigue. He is vice president of the Pikes Peak Writers group.
- Angel Strong Smits, “Memory Whispers” - a Cripple Creek romance. She also writes educational articles about
Alzheimer's disease.
- Sharon Swint (with David Swint), “The Story Behind the Clay” - Van Briggle Pottery history, featuring commissioned
specialty pieces.
Admission is free.
For more information, call 636-1225.
From a press release