Volunteering: ‘Poker run’ for injured man involves 3 Westside bars
Three Westside taverns are participating in a motorcycle “poker run” Nov. 5 to help pay the medical bills of a local motorcyclist
who was hit by a car a month ago.
According to Kelly Gonyo of Benny's, retired firefighter Don “Doc” Yenglin was in the hospital for three weeks after the accident, suffering from broken ribs and injuries to his arms and legs. The run will cost $20 a person. Riders will start from the Squatting Chicken bar on North Nevada Avenue at 10 a.m., with stops including Benny's, Bloom's Mill Hill Saloon and Thirsty's on the Westside. About 150 riders are expected for the run, Gonyo said. Friends of Scenic Colorado welcomes volunteers to help clean up the group's adopted mile of Highway 24 across from Red Rock Canyon Open Space Saturday, Oct. 22 at 9:30 a.m. The location is Mile 299 to Mile 300 on Highway 24. For more information, call 634-4468. From a press release |