Westside schools: ‘Change’ drive culminates Oct. 14 at Howbert

       A special multischool assembly will announce the total amount donated in the “Change for Change” fund-raising effort at several Westside elementaries in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
       According to Washington Elementary Principal Terry Martinez, the assembly will begin at 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 in the Howbert Elementary gym.
       The assembly will include a performance by the Howbert Choir and a presentation of the “pocket-change” money raised to the American Red Cross.
       Three or four representatives will attend from the participating schools (Bristol, Buena Vista, Howbert, Midland, Pike, Whittier and Washington).
       Jackson Elementary has been identified by the Colorado Department of Education as a “Gain-Maker” school based on student improvements in Colorado Student Achievement Program (CSAP) scores between 2003 and 2005.
       'We're very proud,” said Principal Anne Dancy. “It really, truly is the result of hard, focused work by the teachers and kids.”
       The most prominent gains in last school year's CSAPs were shown by the third-grade. For the reading category, last year's 95 percent bettered 2003's 61 percent and 2004's 83 percent. A 90 percent proficiency rating in writing follows 2003 (33 percent) and 2004 (83 percent).
       Russell Finsterwald, an eighth-grade student at Holmes Middle School, earned the title of state middle school champion at the Colorado High School Mountain Bike League Championship Sept. 24. Russell belongs to the Front Rangers Junior Cycling Club, which gives teens the opportunity to ride with others while improving riding and racing abilities.
       West Middle School science teacher Ranganath Weiner was recently honored with a Science Salute from the Colorado Association of Science Teachers (CAST). The award recognizes individuals who have improved science education. At West, Weiner teaches six sections of elective science classes that focus on space science and technology.

Westside Pioneer article/press releases