Scarecrow Days wrap-up
‘Taste’ proceeds go to OCC Library, History Center

       The Old Colorado City Associates (OCCA) merchants group's two-week Scarecrow Days event ended Oct. 1 with a giant- pumpkin event and announcements of donations and scarecrow-design winners.
       The Old Colorado City Historical Society (OCCHS) and the Old Colorado City Branch Library are each receiving a donation of $634.65 from the OCCA. These are from the group's proceeds for the Taste of Old Colorado City event Sept. 24, according to OCCA President Nancy Stovall.
       In the scarecrow-design competition, she announced that Thunder Mountain won the popular vote (from votes of shoppers over the past two weeks), while a Sept. 17 celebrity judging of 46 Old Town scarecrows selected Front Range Barbeque for first place.
       Others who were noted by the celebrity judges were:
       Second place - Everybody Loves Dinosaurs; third place - the Eclectic Asylum; Best Complete Display - Westside Laundry; Most Creative - Barracuda Bazaar; Best Use of Materials - Sage Brush & Tumbleweed;
       Best Theme Matching Store - Pine Creek Art Gallery; and Funniest - Thunder Mountain.
       In addition, a coloring contest drew close to 30 entries, Stovall said.
       Overall, she said the OCCA was happy with the ninth annual event, which was expanded from previous years. “We're already planning for next year,” she said. “There might be more activities.”

Westside Pioneer article