First Nations Day scheduled Oct. 15 at Rock Ledge Ranch

       A variety of activities related to Native Americans - including dancing, arts and education - are slated for First Nations Day at Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site Saturday, Oct. 15 from 10 am to 3 p.m.
       Included will be:
  • Performances by the Seven Falls Dancers and drum groups of Ken Little and Frank Sherwood,
  • Navajo weaving and bead and leather work by Indian artists,
  • Speakers from the Southern Ute tribe of Ignacio, Colo.; the Jicarilla Apache tribe in Dulce, N.M.; and the Northern Ute tribe, in Duschene, Utah; as well as Marguerite Cantu, professor of communications at UCCS.
  • Interpretation of buffalo and elk hide tipis and artifacts in the Ranch's collection
       A Rock Ledge press release reads: “At First Nations Day, visitors can discover what Columbus discovered: hundreds of nations rich in diverse culture and heritage which dates long before 1492.”
       Indian food will be for sale from the Lone Feather Council of Colorado Springs and the Jicarilla Apache of New Mexico.
       All activities will take place in or near the Ranch's Carriage House. Visitors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. Admission fees are $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and teens 13 to 18, and $1 for children 6 to 12.

From a press release