EDITOR’S DESK: Keeping up with Mr. Westside

       From his military background, Dave Hughes is sometimes known these days as “the Colonel.” But those who know how much he's done (and continues to do) for this side of town could more accurately call him “Mr. Westside.”
       From the standpoint of this newspaper, he is almost impossible to ignore. His fingerprints are all over the 1970s-'80s revitalization of Old Colorado City, including the creation of the Security & Maintenance District, the Organization of Westside Neighbors (OWN) and Territory Days. Nor can it be said, at age 77, that Dave is slowing down. As prickly as ever, he still runs his business (Old Colorado City Communications) and serves on the boards of OWN as well as the Old Colorado City Historical Society. One must also keep in mind that for Dave running a business and serving on boards are not just things he does to keep himself busy. As he discusses in his guest column this issue, his business started providing wireless Internet to the Westside several years ago because the phone company had failed to do so. He has also brought wireless Internet to far more remote areas, including Nepal, Alaska and the San Luis Valley. Why is he in the Historical Society? Because he passionately believes there is excitement in our past and understanding it is vital to our present and future. Why did he get back on the OWN board? Because he can't stand the idea of the classic old Westside buildings crumbling, getting torn down or being tastelessly remodeled until one day their essence is gone. That's the other story in which Dave pops up this issue - writing a grant that could help lead to a zone protecting historic Westside homes. Like I said, he's Mr. Westside. And hard to ignore.

- K.J.