Intel rep pleased with results of computer recycling event
A computer recycling event filled three semi-trailers full of used equipment and raised more than $4,000 for School Districts 11
and 49 outside the Staples office-supply store at 4520 Centennial Blvd. Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.
The two-day event was sponsored by Staples and the Intel Corporation, 1575 Garden of the Gods Road, in concert with EPSI (Earth Protection Services Inc.), an Arizona-based company. People paid $10 to recyle up to three systems each, with those funds do-nated to the school districts. Judy Cara, community relations manager for Intel, said she was “very pleased” with the turnout. Greg Sampson, vice president of EPSI, said his company will strip the units down and sell them for scrap metal. “EPSI is an end-of-life recycler that does not sell computers or computer components,” he said. This was Intel's fourth computer recycling event in the area, Cara said. The purpose of the effort is to “help keep used electronics out of the waste stream and contribute to a safer and cleaner environment, a goal Intel and Staples share,” an Intel press release states. Westside Pioneer article/press release |