Volunteers complete Red Rock-Intemann link
Half-mile segment provides National Forest access
More than 70 volunteers, bolstered by a Boy Scout troop and separate REI signups, completed the link trail between Red Rock
Canyon Open Space and the Intemann Trail in Section 16 Sept. 24.
The roughly half-mile multi-use trail follows a mild uphill grade as it heads south from an unnamed Red Rock Canyon trail/road and skirts a scenic north-south canyon just to the east. The link is significant because it provides access to regional park and national forest lands via Intemann Trail connections; in addition, Colorado Springs Parks now plans to open a significant portion of Red Rock Canyon that had been closed until the link was complete, according to City Parks Development Manager Chris Lieber. City Parks led the project layout and logistics, with planning assistance from the volunteer Intemann Trail Commitee (ITC). Also providing organizational help were the Friends of Red Rock Canyon and (on the Sept. 24 project) REI. The project followed the initial link workday Aug. 14, in which slightly less than half the segment was built by about 50 workers. However, that workday took in the majority of the labor-intensive scrub-oak areas; with the higher turnout Sept. 24, crews were able to finish all their sections by early afternoon. Westside Pioneer article |