What do you do?
Andréa DuBose
Where do you work and what is your title? I am a franchised Jazzercise instructor and personal trainer. What do you do there and/or what are you responsible for? I teach group dance/aerobics classes and personal training sessions eight times per week, with help... of course. How long have you been doing this kind of work (total)? How long on the Westside? I started Jazzercise in 1994 as a student, taking classes from my mentor/instructor in the Southgate area. In 2000, I became an instructor, so I’ve been jazzin’ for 11 years and teaching for 5 years. I opened classes here on the Westside three years ago in October! What do you like best about it (other than quitting time)? The motivation and encouragement I can provide to any given student. This work is very fulfilling for me since my background is in health care. I like this side of it better, the preventative health care. If you could change one thing (other than pay), what would it be? That I could find an affordable building in this area to expand my classes and offer my students more. What part of your work did your training/education never prepare you for? The hard days when no one came to class. It made me sad. But I’m sensitive and I may have taken it personally when I shouldn’t have. What makes working on the Westside special? The diversity of the people. I had no idea what was going on over here before I became a resident of the Westside myself. I love it. It’s colorful and filled with beautiful people. “What do you do?” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you know someone who has an interesting job on the Westside (but doesn’t live here), he/she might be a candidate for this column! If you know someone who might qualify, give us a call at 471-6776. |
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