Stuffed shirts in Old Colorado City
Stuffed creatures of all shapes and types began proliferating through Old Town last week, marking the start of the Old Colorado
City Associates (OCCA) merchant group's ninth annual Scarecrow Days.
According to Nancy Stovall, OCCA president, 46 scarecrows were out on the street for judging Sept. 17. Winners will be revealed Saturday, Oct. 1, so as not to influence an ongoing vote on scarecrows by store shoppers, she said. Coming up this weekend (Sept. 24-25) will be three more activities in this year's expanded Scarecrow Days event. Two of them will be free: the “Art on the Avenue” competition, in which up to 15 area artists will be creating pastel-chalk works on the pavement of the parking lot at the southwest corner of 25th Street and Colorado Avenue; and the Gallery Walk, in which people can visit 14 participating Old Colorado City art galleries or shops with art works and become eligible for a drawing for a $200 gift certificate at the gallery of their choice. Both activities are slated from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. To get started on the gallery walk, go to the Pine Creek Art Gallery, 2419 W. Colorado Ave., either day. Also going on during the weekend will be the second annual “Taste of Old Colorado City,” offering samples of prepared food at 13 Old Town restaurants for $12 a person ($20 a couple and $5 for children under 12). Proceeds will go to the Old Colorado City Carnegie Library and the History Center. On Sat-urday, Oct. 1, there will be the Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off at Bancroft Park from noon to 1 p.m. The scarecrow winners, as judged and as elected, will also be announced at that time, Stovall said. For more information on any of these events, call 633-6767. Westside Pioneer article |