Major event reminders: Festival, Scarecrow Days, Red Rock link

       The Rock Ledge Ranch Folk Art Festival, featuring more than 200 craft and art booths, will be Sept. 16-18 at Rock Ledge Ranch. Admission for adults is $5. For more information, call 633-2026.
       Scarecrow Days in Old Colorado City will start Saturday, Sept. 17 and continue through Oct. 1, with activities each weekend. On Sept. 17 will be the scarecrow judging; Sept. 24-25 will include the Sidewalk Art competition, the Gallery Walks and the Taste of Old Colorado City. The latter activity has a cost of $12 per adult to try food samples at 13 Old Town restaurants. For more information, call 633-6767.
       The second workday on the Intemann Trail/ Red Rock Canyon Open Space link is scheduled Saturday, April 24, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Volunteers again are needed in the attempt to finish the nearly half-mile segment. For more information, call City Parks at 385-6509.

Westside Pioneer from press releases