Westside part of efforts to aid Katrina victims
Westside-based government, business and church entities are contributing to aid efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
The El Paso County Department of Human Services is assisting evacuees with medical, financial, and food assistance needs. Child care assistance and employment services are also available. Federal rules are being relaxed to assure evacuees from Hurricane Katrina disaster areas will be served, according to department spokesperson Linda Crawfis. Evacuees in the Westside area may apply for benefits at the Department of Human Services locations at 105 or 17 N. Spruce St. For more information, call 444-5060 weekdays. People can learn to dance the two-step and help out Hurricane Katrina victims, all in the same night, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 701 N. 20th St., Wednesday night, Sept. 14. The activity, taught by dance instructor Don York, will be in the church gym from 6 to 8 p.m. There is no set admission fee, but donations are requested, with all proceeds going to Katrina aid efforts, according to church music director, Dana Pettigrew. Those interested are asked to pre-register with the church at 633-9295. If an answering machine comes on, just say how many people will be coming. The Colorado Springs Salvation Army, which has a Westside store, needs local volunteers to help with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in Denver. Transportation is available from El Paso County. Volunteers will help feed approximately 1,000 storm survivors who have been relocated to Denver. A 24-hour shift is required. For more information, call 636-5266. NOTE: If any other Westside-related entities are involved in Katrina relief efforts and need information published, contact the Westside Pioneer at 4671-6776 or e-mail editor@westsidepioneer.com. Westside Pioneer from press releases |