Intemann drainage work Sept. 17

       The Intemann Trail Commitee (ITC) will host a workday for Intemann Trail drainage control Saturday, Sept. 17.
       Volunteers are asked to meet at Manitou Springs City Hall, 606 Manitou Ave., at 8:30 a.m.
       The workday will go until about 3 p.m. Volunteers should bring water, gloves and a lunch. Tools will be provided. A pot-luck supper will follow for all volunteers.
       The date had been tentatively slated for continued work on the link from the Intemann in Section 16 to Red Rock Canyon Open Space, but runoff from recent rains changed plans, according to an ITC spokesperson.
       The next link workday will be Saturday, Sept. 24.
       For more information on either the Sept. 17 or the Sept. 24 workday, call 473-4143.

From press release