
Kindergarteners needed at Howbert
       For years, we have tried to develop a full-time kindergarten program at Howbert, but have had some difficulty due to space limitations. This has prompted some parents to choice out of our school so they could take advantage of full-time programs elsewhere. Now our enrollment is going down. We have always had enough kids for two part-time kindergarten classes. This year we do not. The district is telling us we are going to have to combine our classes - which does not benefit our students or school. WE NEED MORE KIDS! If we can just get a few more, then all of the kids benefit by having just 17 kids in two classes instead of the current option of 25 combined into one class.
       Howbert has historically been filled to capacity. We have not had the same low-enrollment issues as Whittier or Buena Vista has had. School District 11 has focused its attention/money on increasing those schools' enrollment - much to the expense of Howbert. We were not given enough resources to compete with Manitou and Chipeta, so we are now losing students. It all trickles down.
       Our parents are desperate. We want the community to know that there are openings in our kindergarten program! The school district is allowing us two options. One, if we can get enough kids interested in full-time, they will allow us to run a full-time class parallel to the part-time kids. Or, if we get enough new students, we can run two part-time classes.
       Howbert has an excellent kindergarten teacher: Mrs. Nancy Tindell. In fact, Nancy helps establish the kindergarten curriculum for all of District 11. Her students excel and test far beyond the expected standards. Parents that would like a smaller classroom - or full-time kindergarten - should contact Nancy Tindell directly at 328-4200.
       Thank you.

Allison Wroe