West lists open house, new teachers for 2005-06
West Middle School, 1920 W. Pikes Peak Ave., will hold an open house at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30.
The school's new teachers for the 2005-06 school year are Eric Hamilton, SAIL science/math; Jen-nifer Houston, P.E.; Phillip Hutcherson, SAIL science/math; Wayne Mills, eighth-grade math; Roni Payne, seventh-grade language arts; Eva Syrovy, seventh-grade special education; Sean Wybrant, language arts intervention. New administrators are Lance Cunico and Richard Law, assistant principals. Also at West, the Student-Centered Academic Interdi-sciplinary Lab (SAIL) program is accepting applications for the 2005-06 school year. For more information, call 328-3902 or 279-2672. From a press release |