Biz buzz:
New Laura Belle’s owners plan fund-raising bash
Celebrating the tavern's new ownership, Laura Belle's will sponsor a fund-raising musical event for the Westside-
based Colorado Springs Humane Society Saturday, Aug. 27.
New owners Kevin Johnson and Izabella Podlecki plan to hand out a total of $2,000 in donated prizes during the 12-hour grand opening, going from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. “All the money we raise will go to the Humane Society,” Johnson said. “They've been hurting so bad with funds. There's a lot of animal lovers on the Westside.” Laura Belle's is at 734 N. 19th St. The bands will be Nocturnal Tomatoes (1-5 p.m.), Mark Jackson Blues Band (5-8:30 p.m.) and Social Grace (9 p.m.-1 a.m.). As an added attraction for the event, Jennifer Clark, who plays bar namesake Laura Belle for the Old Colorado City History Center's annual Cemetery Crawl, is scheduled to portray the famous Westside madam around 5 p.m., Johnson said. A sweet shop opened this month in the Pleasant Valley area. Mountain Sweets, 505 N. 30th St., is owned by Chuck Yaklich and Janet Banks. Formerly under a different name in Manitou Springs, the business offers handmade fudge, gourmet chocolate, ice cream and popcorn. The phone is 685-5501. Chill 'N Grill opened this month at 511 N. 30th St. in the Pleasant Valley area. Owned by Bob Mendiola and Susie Cruts, the restaurant is open Tuesday through Sunday, offering traditional American-style breakfast and lunch . Sallie Clark, a county commissioner and Westside bed and breakfast owner, is part of a committee that is looking for help from area businesses “in the welcoming of our new troops and their families from Fort Carson.” The committee is asking businesses to join a group effort by providing special offers for service members in conjunction with Strike Force Week for the 2nd BCT at Fort Carson Sept. 19-23, she said. For more information, call Leigh Ann Shriver at 963-5524 or Clark at 471-3980. Do you have any news about your business? Call the Westside Pioneer at 471-6776. |