Westside schools: New D-11 teachers, open house dates/times listed
With school starting back Aug. 18, the following lists open house dates/times and new teachers at the Westside schools in
District 11:
Elementaries Bristol - Thursday, Sept. 8, 6:30 p.m... Nancy Mackay, Kindergarten; Nara McCasland, second; Margaret Anya- Kinney, fourth grade; Richard Spruce, fifth; Michael Hanson, Suzuki teacher. Buena Vista - Thursday, Sept. 8 at 5:30 p.m... Jean Lux, pre- kindergarten; Carolyn Stine, kindergarten; Leigh Slimp- Virgo, upper elementary; Carrie Delius, P.E.; Larry Kitzmann, special education; Lynn Noble, speech. Howbert - Thursday, Aug. 25, at 6 p.m.. Kay Rudy, fourth; Kris Siebers, fifth. Ivywild - No traditional open house; parent nights will be scheduled every month through the school year... Melanie Blackman, kindergarten; Catherine Snowbarger, second; Rebecca Carson, P.E. Jackson - Tuesday, Aug. 23 (K-2) at 6:30; and Thursday, Aug. 25 (3-5), same time... Tami Bowman, kindergarten; Sue Atkinson, first; Rhonda Sobecki, half-time library. Midland - Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 6:30 p.m... Lucia Pelletier, full-day K; Brenda Homes-Stanciu, full-day K; Carol Jesmer, second; Cathleen Hamilton, speech; Pascal Arnol, French. Pike - Thursday Aug 25, at 6 p.m... Rachel Legg, third; Julie Schloss, fifth; Hillary Pohlmann, library technology educator; Pam Kocher, art. Washington - Thursday, Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m... Celia Molner, special education. Whittier - Monday, Aug. 22, at 6 p.m... Terri Adams, kindergarten; Jeff Gorman, special education; Kirin Holloran, second; Steve Lentzkow, music; Loretta Ramirez, art; Lois Voga, fifth. Middle schools Holmes - Tuesday, Aug. 30, at 6:30 p.m... Scott Nalbach, boys P.E.; Cheryl Thornton, seventh; Tracy Squires, sixth; Lori Waddle, eighth. West - information unavailable at press deadline. High schools Coronado - Thursday, Sept. 1 at 6 p.m... David Engstrom, assistant principal; Doug Gryboski, business education; Rosemary Taylor, English; Jennifer Walk, English/yearbook; Annette Demel, French; Cynthia Lamb, French; Mindi Loewen, orchestra; Mary Hahn, reading/ English; Darin Smith, science; Caleb Muth, science; Donna Stephens, social studies; David Ramirez, social studies; Kevin Darrow, special education. Bijou (alternative) - Thursday, Sept. 22, at 5 p.m... Carol Parks, literacy resource teacher; Amy Miranda, math; Andrea Brown, social science, English and independent living; Nancy Bonner, science. Westside Pioneer article/press releases |