Shop’s ‘Graffiti-style’ mural includes Western themes

       Seven members of four area art “crews” have been collaborating this week on a mural gracing the outside wall of West Side Tattoo, 2031 W. Colorado Ave. A grafitti artist with the pseudonym of “Vogue” spray-paints
some of the final touches on a collaborative, graffiti-style
mural that started appearing on the west (21st Street) wall
of West Side Tattoo at 2031 W. Colorado Avenue this week.
Westside Pioneer photo
       The large work, covering a previously painted brick wall nearly 50 feet long, samples "graffiti style" art along with some Colorado and Westside themes, according to Aaron Moore, co-owner of the shop/gallery.
       The colorful, spray-painted work in progress - located at one of the Westside's busier intersections - has received plenty of feedback as it has taken shape. Other than one complaint, Moore said "we've heard 150 good things. One guy in a Lexxus, wearing a suit and tie, even gave it a thumbs-up."
       For personal reasons, the young artists working on the wall preferred to identify themselves only with pseudonyms. The names are Icon, Herok, Vekst, Vogue, Paze, Halo and Hint from the Daystar Tribe, Creature, the DF Crew and the RTD Crew, according to Hint.
       "I've been blessed to be able to do art and make a living," Moore said. "These guys (indicating the painters) don't have the opportunity to do art anywhere, so I wanted to let them do it."
       He said he's now thinking about a mural on the east side of the building. That one will be more "old school," he said, but will "still have that new-school graffiti style."

Westside Pioneer article