Volunteers can sign up for Red Rock link project Aug. 14
City Parks and Intemann Trail Committee representatives were flagging a trail line this week for the workday Sunday, Aug. 14
to build a roughly half-mile link from the Intemann Trail in Section 16 to Red Rock Canyon Open Space.
Volunteers are needed for the project. Work times are 8 a.m. to about 3:30 p.m. The meeting place is the Red Rock Rock Canyon main entrance off Highway 24 and High Street/Ridge Road. The link, following a scenic canyon that runs through both Red Rock and Section 16, will allow the opening of some trails that have been closed to the public at the upper (south) end of the 788.1-acre Westside open-space property. Volunteers are asked to pre-register with Kim King in City Parks at 385-6509, with the ITC at 473-4143, or on the day of the project. Westside Pioneer article |