I-25 work north of Fillmore affecting local traffic

       Rockrimmon Construc-tors, the contractor on the I-25 “COSMIX” project, has started work on the Ellston Street bridge north of Fillmore Street and the sound wall that will run east of the alley from Ellston almost to Colorado Technical University.
       Traffic is being affected in both areas, according to a press release from COSMIX spokesperson Bill Badger.
       Current efforts on Ellston include constructing the scaffolding and supporting framework for the bridge deck.
       Ellston, a two-lane road between Sinton Road east of I-25 and Chestnut Street west of I-25, is being limited to one lane at times during this work. Flaggers are on hand to help direct traffic.
       There is no impact on the traffic on I-25.
       The project will result in a wider bridge deck for Ellston, allowing it to carry six lanes of traffic on I-25 instead of the current four. Work along the interstate median north of Fillmore is also accomplishing that widening effort.
       Pedestrian and trail access is remaining open during construction.
       A 15-foot height limit is in effect for traffic on Ellston Street under I-25.
       North of Ellston and west of the interstate, ground work has begun for the 16-foot noise wall that will be constructed behind the homes that back up against an alley paralleling the interstate.
       Dirt-hauling operations have extended the hillside along CDOT right of way between the alley and the interstate, and this week crews are scheduled to begin installing new drainage pipes and inlets.
       The latter work, expected to last through Aug. 23, will close the alley to through traffic. As a result, Chestnut residents with alley access are asked to park their vehicles in front of their residences.
       Also through the 23rd, trash service will be collected on Chestnut Street instead of the alley.
       Construction will be halted in the event emergency vehicles need to access the alley.
       For more information on the COSMIX project, visit the website at cosmixproject.com or call the 24-hour, toll-free information line at 1-877- 276-6491.

Westside Pioneer from a press release