Buena Vista has openings for half-day Montessori kindergarten

       As a result of the school's adding a class, there are now openings for half-day Montessori kindergarten at Buena Vista Elementary for the coming school year, starting Thursday, Aug. 18.
       The class was added to accommodate student demand, according to the school.
       Students need to be 5 years old by Sept. 15 to be eligible. No previous Montessori experience is necessary. The class will be from 8 to 11 a.m. daily. All kindergarten classes at Buena Vista are Montessori this year.
       The class is open to students outside the attendance area; however, those within the attendance area will be taken first.
       Also at Buena Vista… Students and their families will have the opportunity to meet their teachers anytime between 3 and 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17.
       For more information, call the school at 328-4100.

Westside Pioneer from a press release