‘Chinook’ blows in a winner for girl, 14, in filly-naming contest
Jessica Placzek is the winner in the Westside Pioneer's filly-naming contest. “Chinook,” the name suggested by the 14-year-old
Westside resident, was selected by the McGinty family this week as their favorite from about three dozen suggestions.
“I always liked that name,” Jessica said. “If I ever had a horse I would name it that.” Although she said, “I haven't ridden much,” she is looking forward to using the two one-hour trail ride prizes that go to the winner. The rides were provided by the Academy Riding Stables, whose wranglers lead people on horseback through the Garden of the Gods. Kelsey McGinty, 13, had the final say in the naming contest. “I like what it (Chinook) means - the wind, stormish,” she said. “I think it sort of works well with her (the foal). She looks like a Chinook.” The naming contest came about after the McGintys gained City Council backing last May to continue taking their two horses (now three) up to nearby Promontory Point Open Space. The foal was born June 19 to the McGinty's mare, Josie. The contest ran from July 14-25. Westside Pioneer article |