EDITOR’S DESK: The long and short of big and little

       A person can't cover news in this town without occasionally encountering Big Newspaper - i.e., the Colorado Springs “It's only news if we say so” Gazette.
       We had our own fun time with Big Newspaper this past week. Its news staff learned about the contest we've had in our paper to name the McGinty family's' filly. So they interviewed the McGintys, but "of course" (a term used in an explanatory, slightly patronizing way by a Gazette staffer when I called there later to complain) they could not include in their story that a Westside weekly (Little Newspaper?) was accepting the entries. So their story did not identify the Pioneer, called for people to submit names instead to the McGintys, left out the contest deadline and even had the gall to promise that the winner would get a free trail ride without saying how that prize had come to be (a Pioneer promotional effort). It's taken some work with the McGintys since then to sort out the ensuing contest-entry complications, but we think we have it together now.
       But let's talk about more pleasant things. Milestones. Best wishes are in order to Elizabeth "Miss Libby" Calhoun, who bravely says she's ready for new challenges despite a major health setback that forced her to close her Wooden Shoe Day Nursery after 51 years; to Kaye and David Caster, as they leave their "baby," the Old Town GuestHouse, in search of new hopes and dreams; and to Don and Shirley Wick, as they become its new innkeepers.
       Don't forget this Sunday's annual Westside picnic/ block party at Bancroft Park, from 4 to 7 p.m. It's a great opportunity to meet people, see old friends, eat a lot and play old-fashioned games. And yes, look for coverage afterward in Little Newspaper.

- K.J.