‘Name that Foal’ deadline July 25

       It's not too late to enter a suggestion in the “Name that Foal” contest. But we need to get your entries no later than July 25.
       The winner will be announced next issue.
       The roughly one-month-old mare belongs to the McGinty family on West Bijou Street, who are asking help in naming her because of Westsiders' support in the family's successfuly resolved issue with City Hall last May to continue taking their horses up to Promontory Point Open Space.
       The winner will receive two one-hour trail-ride certificates to the Westside's Academy Riding Stables.
       Send suggested names to the Westside Pioneer, 526 S. 26th St., Colorado Springs 80904; or e-mail ap@westsidepioneer.com (subject line: “McGinty foal”)

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