Meet a Westsider:
Mary Lovell

Profession/Occupation... former customer service manager, now a mother to Nancy and caregiver to my parents.

What I like most about the Westside is... everyone knows you or at least knows someone in your family.

If I could change anything about the Westside, it would be... to keep more family owned businesses here on the Westside.

A good movie I’ve seen recently is... the final “Star Wars.” I became interested in the series because a few of us girls from Coronado dragged Dave Rasmussen to the first “Star Wars” in 1977.

The worst advice I’ve ever gotten was... as a teenager, the advice my daddy gave me didn’t seem to pertain to me. Looking back, especially as a mother, I can now see the wisdom in his words.

If I could meet someone famous, I’d like to meet... actor Scott Bakula.

The next time I travel, I’m going to... Kansas to see my sister, Linda. She was just out here. We are much closer now that we live farther apart.

My favorite childhood memory is... swimming on the Valley Swim Club and Coronado swim teams. Sledding down the hill at Howbert Elementary. Everyone in my sixth-grade class lived on my block. The 1964 flood which completely filled the 31st St. ditch. Everyone having fireworks on the Fourth of July. Girl Scouts. Seeing “Mary Poppins” at the Chief Theater. There are so many that I could go on forever. I had a great childhood here on the Westside.

My favorite summer pastime is... gardening. I like to make grape jelly (from our grapevine). I also make homemade salsa from the tomatoes and peppers that we grow in our garden and I use the apples from our apple tree to make applesauce.

Something good I’ve read is.. “Goodnight Moon,” (ha ha) for my daughter. My life is immersed in children’s books. For myself, “Rocket Boys,” by Homer Hickam Jr. It’s a memoir of his growing up.

My pet peeve is... when grocery store clerks finish with one customer and immediately start ringing up the next customer before the first has even left the register.

If I won the lottery, I’d... other than die of shock, I’d pay for my daughter’s education and donate to the MS Society of Colorado Springs.

Meet a Westsider” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you would like to be a Meet-a-Westsider (or know someone who should be), please give us a call at 471-6776.