Kissing Camels garden tour to raise money for Garden of Gods
The next major fund raiser for the Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center's “Summer of Celebration” will be a tour of six
gardens in Kissing Camels Estates Saturday, July 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tickets are $25 a person, with all proceeds being donated to the Garden of the Gods Foundation for preservation work in the city park. “It's going to be great,” said Bonnie Frum, Visitor Center director of operations. “These are major gardens people would dream of seeing.” Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Visitor Center, 1805 N. 30th St., or on the day of the event at the Demonstration Garden Center, 2855 Mesa Road. For more information, call Frum at 219-0101. The foundation was created when the Visitor Center was built 10 years ago, with the center donating a percentage of its annual income to the foundation ever since. Going into this year, the total that had been donated by the center was $790,000. According to Frum, the Summer of Celebration - which has included presentations and special events - is commemorating the 10-year anniversary by seeking to bring the total raised for the foundation to at least $1 million. The last event in the “summer” will be the Trails and Open Space Coalition gala Aug. 19. Westside Pioneer from press release |