Citizen input sought to help county create drainage plan
El Paso County wants to hear how its citizens believe it should address storm water drainage issues.
The county Department of Transportation has compiled a preliminary list of projects totaling $64 million. There are 150 drainage basins in the county and only 32 have been studied. El Paso County, along with Colorado Springs, is looking into the possibility of creating a storm water enterprise to address the ongoing needs of drainage in both the city and county. “This would help us with some of the drainage problems we can't deal with,” Westside-area County Commissioner Sallie Clark said. But she said it was premature at this time to say the county is considering a new tax for the purpose. Citizens wishing to provide input on the county's drainage needs or learn more about the subject are asked to contact Pamela Podhirny at 520-6812. Westside Pioneer from a press release |