Overlay work to follow Holland Park concrete repairs
Concrete crews this week began repairing curb and gutter at intersections along Centennial Boulevard next to the Holland Park
neighborhood as part of city maintenance through the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (RTA), according to city
spokesperson Mary Scott.
The work will precede overlay work on numerous Holland Parks streets that will start in two to three weeks, Scott said. The intersections are Centennial at Holli Springs Lane, Amstel Drive, Amsterdam Court and Hans Brinker Lane. Meanwhile, curb and gutter work is also underway on Centennial north of Garden of the Gods Road, in preparation for an overlay from Orchard Valley Drive south to the Garden of the Gods, starting July 18, Scott said. The need on that segment of Centennial is because of the heavy wear and tear from concrete trucks that use it regularly, she added. Recently completed chipseal road surfacing on the Westside took in Chestnut Street from Fillmore Street to Garden of the Gods Road, as well as the following streets in the Midland neighborhood: 21st Street, Wheeler Avenue, Busch Avenue, Westend Avenue, Broad-way Street, Langmeyer Street, 24th Street, 25th Street, Race Street, Arch Street, Pecan Street, Robinson Street, Hagerman Street, Howbert Street, Modes Street, 26th Street, Ehrich Street, Market Street, Adams Street and Skyview Lane. Other RTA work on the Westside includes digging out, milling and paving alleys that were formerly gravel. Alley paving jobs that are scheduled or underway are:
The RTA was created when voters in Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Green Mountain Falls and El Paso County approved a 1 percent sales tax in November of 2004. The tax revenue is divided into three categories: 55 percent capital improvements, 35 percent maintenance, and 10 percent transit. Westside Pioneer from press release |