
More to Montessori story
       Thank-you for your continued coverage of the Montessori program at Buena Vista, as well as your other coverage of Westside Schools. As a parent and a teacher, I always enjoy reading positive stories about schools, teachers, and kids.
       However, I do feel the need to respond regarding the recent article “Questions raised about advertising Buena Vista Montessori program outside attendance area.” What the article failed to mention is that due to the demographics of families moving to the suburbs, and older families staying around, there just aren't enough kids in the neighborhood to fill the school anymore. I am a BV neighborhood mom, and I want my neighborhood school to stay open, so if that means other families CHOOSING to come to our school, we should be thanking them, not pushing them away.
       There is nothing wrong with advertising outside the attendance area; all schools and districts do it. Just the other day I saw an ad for Manitou Springs in the Independent, looking for kids to permit in from the Springs. And then there's the “School Fair” where parents can come and check out many local schools to find the right choice for their kids. The article also did not mention the advertising that has already been done in the BV attendance area (which is a small area, from approximately 14th to 24th, and Uintah to Vermijo) as well as the greater Westside. Flyers have been sent home with current students, parents have walked the neighborhood streets talking to families with young children, mailings went to all in the neighborhood, and a bright orange flyer was inserted into the Westside Pioneer inviting all interested families in the BV neighborhood to come to an informational meeting to learn more about the Montessori program.
       Two other points I need to make: 1. Ten current traditional 3rd grade students have CHOSEN to be in the Montessori Upper Elementary class next year, and 2. Before Title 1 money became available this week for preschool tuition, the $500/month tuition that was mentioned for pre-school was for full-day tuition; the tuition for half-day preschool was $295, which was a decrease from $350 last year.
       Once again, thanks for the Pioneer; it is a great asset to the Westside.

Sue Spengler