Pikes Peak or Bust or Bust Rodeo moves to July
After three years at the World Arena, the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo will return to Penrose Stadium July 13-17.
Also new this year is the time frame. Traditionally held in August, the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation decided to move the rodeo to July this year as part of a timing strategy to ensure that “all the top cowboys in each event will be here,” explained Bill Miller, general manager of the Norris-Penrose Events Center, which houses the stadium. “We are the largest paying rodeo in the United States that week, scheduled right after the Greeley Stampede and right before Cheyenne Frontier Days. So we're all in the same area, and all among the top 20 rodeos.” Overall, Miller estimated that more than 500 competitors will enter one or more of the following events: steer wrestling, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, wild horse race, wild cow milking, barrel racing, tie-down roping and team roping. He thinks the cowboys will be happy to have the event back at the stadium, mainly because they prefer a larger venue, and the stadium is “substantially bigger” than the World Arena. However, promoters will be retaining one feature that spectators liked at the World Arena - “wall-to-wall” bucking. “Traditionally, there's a 20-foot buffer,” he said. “But what we found at the World Arena was that people like it right in their faces.” The rodeo will be at 7 p.m. nightly July 13-16, with a 1:30 p.m. finale Sunday, July 17. All seating is reserved. Prices are $8, $13 or $25. For more information, call the Events Center at 635-3547, or call any Tickets West outlet. The rodeo is returning to Penrose Stadium in conjunction with the purchase of the Events Center by the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation this year. The all-volunteer organization has since submitted plans to Colorado Springs for a $2 million addition to the stadium which would allow more concessions, restrooms and entertainment space; however, construction on this facility will not be started until later in the year. Westside Pioneer article |