What do you do?
Lyman Mark

Where do you work and what is your title?
       I work at the Book Sleuth, and I’m the manager.
What do you do there and/or what are you responsible for?
       We sell new and used mystery books. I order books, sell books, buy books (used), organize author signings, and really anything that needs to be done, from emptying the trash to doing the accounting.
How long have you been doing this kind of work (total)? How long on the Westside?
        Off and on since 1989, full-time since 1998, in this store, all on the Westside. I’ve been reading mysteries all my life and have also worked in libraries.
What do you like best about it (other than quitting time)?
       Selling someone just the book that they want, one that they haven’t been able to find anywhere else. Also, talking with a customer about their favorite mysteries.
If you could change one thing (other than pay), what would it be?
       The hours. If we could go home when the store closed every day, with everything finished, that would be great. It would also be a miracle. Of course, there are always a dozen things to do.
What part of your work did your training/education never prepare you for?
       Until I started here, I had never sold anything to anyone anywhere.
What makes working on the Westside special?
       The people.

“What do you do?” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you know someone who has an interesting job on the Westside (but doesn’t live here), he/she might be a candidate for this column! If you know someone who might qualify, give us a call at 471-6776.