Second annual in the works?
Plenty of upside at first Garden Fair
“Hundreds of people had a good time” at the first-ever Garden Fair & Crafts in the Park June 11, according to Joanne Karlson,
who led the planning for the volunteer Old Colorado City Historical Society (OCCHS).
The goal of the event in Bancroft Park was to raise money for the Old Colorado City History Center's musuem, which the OCCHS operates across the street at 1 S. 24th St. Although the earnings had not yet been tabulated this week, Karlson said that the basic plan - to rent out spaces to vendors and piggyback off the anticipated crowds for the first day of the annual Saturday Farmers' Market on 24th Street - went well. “We'd like to have done more, but it was good for the first time and was fun,” Karlson said. “We had wonderful attendance at the museum and cabin (in the park).” The fair featured several vendors (including the OCCHS) selling plants or garden decoratives, plus information from specialists such as CSU Master Gardeners and 4-H'ers. In all, visitors got to browse among 33 vendors, many of whom were selling non- gardening items. OCCHS volunteers lured people into the museum by selling coffee and baked goods in front of the building and “having our doors open,” Karlson said. Such sales were not allowed in the cabin because that would have raised the event insurance too high, she noted. OCCHS' hope going in was to make the fair an annual thing. She said that's still the idea, but some thought will be given to the timing. The first day of the Farmers' Market means there will be a good crowd already on hand, whereas early June tends to be a little late for gardeners purchasing plants or other supplies. There were also competing events elsewhere in town this year - an activity by the Iris Society and a festival at the Pioneers Museum. To be an effective fund raiser, earnings from sales and crafter-space rentals would need to offset the OCCHS' costs for insurance and renting the park from the city. Westside Pioneer article |