Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (RTA) maintenance work on the Westside is scheduled to get started this week. The
work will be accomplished by crews from the City of Colorado Springs, in some cases combining city funding with the infusion
of tax money from the 1-cent RTA tax.
Scheduled projects this week are:
- Repairing sidewalks, curb and gutter and installing pedestrian ramps in the Holland Park neighborhood.
- Alley paving from Wheeler Avenue to Broadway Street between Arch Street and Calvert Avenue.
- Installing long-life pavement markings to school crosswalks on 21st Street.
According to Mary Scott of City Public Communications, illuminated street name signs are to be delivered this week for
installation next week at the intersection of Garden of the Gods Road and Centennial Boulevard.
Citywide this year, RTA funds are slated as follows:
- $4 million for sidewalk, curb and gutter maintenance.
- $1 million to install new or replacement pedestrian ramps.
- $1.2 million for pothole patching and alley paving. Almost 17 miles of alleyways will be paved this year with RTA funds
and another 17 with City funds, Scott said.
- $400,000 to upgrade traffic signals - replacing incandescent light bulbs with brighter, lower-energy, longer-lasting LEDs
(Light Emitting Diodes). Over the next five years, the City expects to replace 30,000 signal and pedestrian faces using RTA
funds, Scott said. The pedestrian faces will be changed to give a “count-down” of how much time is left on the light.
- $400,000 to install long-life pavement markings along 20-30 miles of major streets. Pavement markings include lane lines,
stop bars, turn arrows, crosswalks, bike lanes and other emblems. According to Scott, these long-life markings last three to five
years, compared with traditional markings that last “only a few months.”
The following are the RTA “citizen hotline” numbers:
- Alleyways, 385-6843, streetdivision@springsgov.com
- Bridges, 385-5918, cityengineering@springsgov.com
- Curb and gutter, 385-5918, cityengineering@springsgov.com
- Pedestrian ramps, 385-5918, cityengineering @springsgov.com
- Potholes, 385-6808, streetdivision@springsgov.com
- Resurfacing, 385-5934, streetdivision @springs-gov.com
- Sidewalks, 385-5918, cityengineering@springs-gov.com
- Traffic engineering and operations, 385-5908, trafficeng@springsgov.com
- Traffic signal operations, 385-5966, trafficeng @springsgov.com
Westside Pioneer article